Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4084: The wedding is over 2


"Really detoxified! Great!"

"I didn't expect that this glass of wine would detoxify! It's amazing!"

"It's worthy of being the one hundred and ninth generation of Xuanyi School, it's so simple to detoxify!"

"Awesome, worthy of being my idol!"

Everyone cheered with excitement.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of everyone looking at Mu Yue were full of worship, and all of them were grateful not to be unwanted.

With such superb detoxification skills, how can they not shock them, and casually detoxify Shangguan's slender poison.

Not only can they not offend such a powerful person, but they have to curry favor with others.

And there were some alcoholics in the crowd, smashing it, smashing the mouth, savoring the wine from the cup, the light in his eyes became shining, and his face was unconfident.

Since they are a full-fledged drunkard, they can naturally drink the essence and beauty of this medicated wine.

"This wine... seems to be the first time I have drunk it!"

"Is this the wine of the Nangong family? Why haven't you drank it before?"

"This is not our Nangong family's wine, I have never drank it before!"

"Then what kind of wine is this wine?"

These drunks are all curiously discussing with each other.

People with the Nangong family asked Mu Yue curiously, "Miss, this wine seems to be different from the wine I have drunk from the Nangong family!"

Nangong Linfeng nodded when he heard it, then turned to look at Mu Yue, "Yeah, Yue'er, this wine is not our Nangong family's bar?"

Mu Yue smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Naturally it is not your wine, but the medicinal wine I brewed myself. Because the amount is not large, I blended it!"

"So it is!"

After hearing Mu Yue's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

"Miss Mu, do you still have this medicinal wine?"

"Yes, young lady, is there any one with high purity? The purity is not high at all, and the medicinal properties are too weak!"

Many people from the Nangong family directly asked Mu Yue with a cheeky.

Compared with the people of the Nangong family, the people of other families did not speak. After all, they were not qualified to ask, and they were not qualified to ask for it.

A thick smile flashed in Mu Yue's eyes, and said, "It's gone for the time being. I usually brew less, so I'm sorry!"

Hearing Mu Yue's answer, everyone was very sorry, still a little bit unwilling.

Some savvy people can feel the medicinal properties of this medicinal wine and the benefits to their bodies.

This medicinal wine has the function of strengthening the body for ordinary people, and for those who practice martial arts, it also has the function of strengthening the veins.

Usually, the effect of drinking this medicinal wine is not great. However, if they encounter a breakthrough and continue to drink this medicinal wine, their meridians will be strengthened, and there is no need to worry about damaging the meridians during the breakthrough and causing confusion.

Many warriors break through because the meridians cannot withstand the powerful energy of the breakthrough. However, if the meridians are consolidated, then such situations will not be encountered, or such situations will occur less frequently.

Thinking of this, these people were secretly thinking about how to get these medicinal wine from Mu Yue's hands.

Mu Yue casually glanced at the changes in the faces and eyes of these people, and the corners of her mouth raised a slight arc, secretly laughing.

Can she still be unclear about their thoughts?

Originally, she used her own medicinal wine for this. This is just the effect of the redemption. If it is pure and thick, the effect will definitely be greater. Although the effect will be weakened by drinking more, it is a little bit of them.

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