Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4087: Nangong Wanting Family Reunion 1

When the wedding was over, Mu Yue also secretly sent the captured Shangguan slender into his own space.

Xiao Junyan dragged Shangguan to the prison where Nangong Wanting, Shangguan Yanran and Shangguanying were held.

Nangong Wanting was also the same as the Shangguan family members at times, they were poisoned with the same poison, and they suffered a life that is worse than death every day.

Even if they want to die, they don't have any strength. They want to bite their tongues and kill themselves, but their teeth can't help them.

They want to hit the wall and die, but they can move while lying on the ground, but they don't have enough strength to let them hit the wall, and they can only endure the pain that life is better than death every day.

They can only hope that Shangguan Yaoyao will be able to avenge them, even if they cannot be rescued and detoxified, Mu Yue will be killed.

In this way, even if they are dead, they can be stunned.

It was a pity that their wish could not be realized, and they did not receive the news of Mu Yue's death. Instead, they saw Xiao Junyan dragging in the unconscious Shangguan slender.

With a light flick of his wrist, Xiao Junyan threw the slender Shangguan who was dragging on the ground to Nangong Wanting and the others.

Nangong Wanting suddenly let out a stern cry when she saw Shangguan's slenderness.

"Sister!" Shangguan Yanran angrily cried out to Shangguan Xiaoyao.

Not only was angry that Shangguanyao failed to kill Mu Yue, it was also angry that Shangguanyao was so useless, not only could he not rescue them, but was also arrested, and accompanied them, so that all their hopes were vanished.

Xiao Junyan looked at Nangong Wanting and the others sarcastically. With a flick of his finger, a stone fell on the comatose Shangguan slender.

The unconscious Shangguan Slender let out a soft snort, and slowly opened his eyes.

There were bursts of painful screams from around, making Shangguan slender and subconsciously turning his head and looking in the direction of the sound.

It's okay if I don't look at it, I just stared at my own eyes, "Mom, brother, Yanran!"

She didn't expect to see Nangong Wanting, Shangguan Ying and Shangguan Yanran.

The Shangguan Ying she saw this time was awake, with a painful look on her face, but she looked a little bit more miserable than Nangong Wanting.

Nangong Wanting closed her eyes in pain, "You... why are you so stupid!"

She didn't know how to scold Shangguan for being slender, but she didn't expect that she would be caught so soon.

I just feel that Shangguan Yaoyao was arrested because she was stupid, not Mu Yue was smart and powerful.

"No...useless thing!" Shangguan Ying was also gritted her teeth, but her voice was very weak, but it was also enough for Shangguan to be able to hear her.

When Shangguan Ying closed her eyes, she could remember that the first time she woke up, she saw Mu Yue.

After Mu Yue sent Shangguan Ying into the space, he was awakened, and part of his body was cured, but he was unable to move and was weak.

And he knew that he not only lost the position of the young master of the Shangguan family, but also lost the ability to pass on from generation to generation. That is what a man is most proud of!

That's it. He will become a **** in the future, which is even more painful than losing his position as the young master of the Shangguan family. He really wants to die.

It's just a pity that Mu Yue didn't give him a chance to die. Instead, he wanted to make him worse than death. Now, like Nangong Wanting and the others, he suffers every day.

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