Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4094: Still automatically admit defeat 1

Regarding the situation of the Shangguan family, everyone belongs to the theater.

However, the most important thing was the battle between Mu Yue and the young master of the Shangguan family, Shangguan Company.

Although the result is very obvious, but this game still has to continue, and this final final is also to be played!

As for whether this result is what the people of the ancient martial arts world hoped for, this is not what Mu Yue and the others thought, as long as they complete their tasks.

Regarding the situation of this final game, Mu Haixuan still discussed with them, how to deal with it will be better.

After all, Mu Yue will definitely win, and then, the secular world will be able to rule the entire ancient martial world, this matter is very important.

The heads of the four major families had a meeting with Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan to deal with what to do next.

"The Shangguan company of the Shangguan family should have recovered after several days of cultivation. I wonder if I can compete with my Xiaoyue?" Mu Haixuan asked Shangguanxiang with a smile.

Shangguanxiang glanced at the crowd, and said without any embarrassment, "The game is no longer a match, and the result is clear at a glance. It was our Shangguan family who lost, and the ancient martial arts world also lost!"

This matter is already a well-known thing, it can't be changed, so what are you still doing?

"Then the game doesn't need to be compared?" Mu Haixuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Shang Guanxiang. He didn't expect that this guy was still on the road, and he gave up directly without the game.

Shangguanxiang nodded, "No need to compare, but our ancient martial arts world lost. Our Shangguan family surrendered, but we don't know what other families think!"

He had already given up anyway, even the Supreme Elder of their Shangguan family lost to Mu Yue, he had nothing to say.

If you want to object, let others object!

Mu Haixuan glanced at the Shangguan Company sitting at the back, "Shangguan Company, tell me for yourself, do you want to play a game?"

Shangguan Lian smiled and said to Mu Haixuan, "Naturally, I don't need it. I am convinced of Mu Yue's cultivation and skills, and there is nothing unwilling to do it!"

Although he hadn't seen Mu Yue fighting against the elders of the Shangguan clan, he knew from the mouth of the elders.

Knowing that Mu Yue alone can fight the three late stages of refining the emptiness and the Dao alone, and one supreme elder in the middle stage of refining the emptiness and the Dao, how can he fight against such powerful strength?

If he challenges Mu Yue, isn't he looking for death?

Moreover, Mu Yue still had a life-saving grace for him, and he didn't want to fight her either.

Mu Haixuan nodded and looked at people from other families, "The Shangguan family has directly surrendered. I don't know if other people have objections to this incident?"

When he said this, Mu Haixuan was proud and proud. After all, the person who made the ancient martial arts surrender was his daughter, who was more happy and proud than himself.

The corners of Xiao Junyan's lips also rose slightly, revealing a light and proud smile.

People from other families all looked at each other, and they all saw a helpless look on each other's face.

How can they object? Is the objection effective?

Moreover, this rule was set by the ancestors, and they couldn't just overthrow it like that.

The most important thing is that it is useless to overthrow it. It is estimated that they have really fallen out with the secular world, and what they want to calculate can only be in vain.

"Naturally, there is no opinion!"

Patriarch Ouyang and others all shook their heads and expressed their opinions, so they decided what to do.

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