Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4098: There are still requirements for the antidote 2

"Then when will we get the antidote?"

These Shangguan family members looked at Ye Tianming eagerly and expectantly, hoping that he could have pity on him and be able to give them the antidote immediately, so that they can relieve their poison, so that they can no longer have to bear the pain. .

Ye Tianming smiled and shook his head, and said, "This antidote is not with me for the time being. The quantity and quality of your stuff are all up to the standard, but I still have to meet my sister-in-law and wait for her. Answer!"

"Good good, Shao Ye, please invite you!"

"Ye Shao, please go and ask Miss Mu!"

The members of the Shangguan family were all accompanied by smiling faces and said to Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming nodded, his hands on his stomach and back, raised his head and let the Nangong family hold the treasures of heaven and earth, and followed him to the backyard to show Mu Yue.

At this time, Mu Yue, who was playing with the little bun, saw Ye Tianming carrying a pile of wooden boxes with heaven and earth treasures.

"Come on!" Mu Yue saw Ye Tianming, a slight smile pulled up on the corner of his lips.

Ye Tianming smiled and greeted the guards of the Nangong family, placed everything in place, and said to Mu Yue, "Sister-in-law, look, they handed in all the things here!"

Mu Yue let go of the little bun and checked the medicinal materials.

The little bun followed Mu Yue behind him, lying on the edge of the box, with a pair of lovely big eyes, and seemed to have to see what was inside.

"Well, things are okay!" Mu Yue checked some and nodded in satisfaction.

Ye Tianming smiled and asked Mu Yue, "I have already written down the names of these people, what should I do next?"

Mu Yue laughed and said, "You tell them that I will pick out a period of time before I leave the ancient martial world, let them come in person one by one, and apologize to my parents before giving them an explanation. Medicine, of course, I also give them a time limit. Five days before I leave the ancient martial world, only the antidote will be given if I hand it in. If it exceeds the time, don't give it!"

Although you can not kill them, you can ask them to kowtow to their parents and apologize.

Ye Tianming gave Mu Yue a thumbs up, and said complimentingly, "You're still the little sister-in-law, you are amazing and smart!"

It is true that you can not kill them, but this kowtow apology is necessary, and then Nangong Yuehua and Mu Haixuan will give them the antidote.

At this moment, the little bun was spitting out his own saliva, holding a seven-to-eight-eight-eight-person-shaped ginseng in his hand, and yelled at Mu Yue aggrievedly, "Mom..."

Hearing Xiao Baozi's cry, Mu Yue turned his head and saw Xiao Baozi flattening his mouth, looking aggrieved.

Seeing the saliva on the ginseng, Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded. She took out the handkerchief and wiped the corners of Little Bun's mouth, "Little Bun, why are you so cute? Are you a foodie? Are you bitter?"

The little bun flattened his small mouth, slammed the ginseng in his hand to the ground, threw himself into Mu Yue's arms, and sobbed dullly.

"Haha!" Mu Yue and Ye Tianming both laughed.

Ye Tianming quickly picked up the ginseng from the ground, shook his head, and said admiringly, "Little bun, you are so amazing!"

He didn't expect this little bun to eat ginseng. Fortunately, he has no teeth and has not destroyed the ginseng.

"Well, you go out first!" Mu Yue held the little bun helplessly, gently comforting him.


Thank you Katze for your reward! muah!

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