Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4112: There are backing buns 1


In order to make the little bun happy and be able to get close to him, the old man Xiao directly patted Xiao Junyan a few times without mercy.

The little bun saw that Old Man Xiao hit his stinky baba, and he chuckles with joy.

Father Xiao saw the happy appearance of the little bun, and he was also happy in his heart.

"Grandpa Grandpa!" The little bun also screamed sweetly with his own small mouth milk.

Hearing the little bun calling himself, Mr. Xiao called a happy heart!

I just feel that I just made the wisest decision of my life.

When Xiao Junyan watched the interaction between Old Man Xiao and Xiao Baozi, the blue veins on his forehead jumped suddenly, only to feel that this stinky boy owed a beating.

Seeing that the little bun leaped into the arms of the old man Xiao, he let out bursts of clear laughter, which made him feel depressed, and stared at the little bun fiercely.

The little bun received Xiao Junyan's staring eyes, and his small face suddenly showed aggrieved appearance, climbed onto the shoulders of Old Man Xiao, and complained, "Fear!"

This time, it was Mr. Mu's turn to go out and waved his hands, "What are you doing here, brat, you are scared of the little bun when you go and go!"

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes, now Xiao Baozi has two more backers, which is really getting more and more arrogant.

Old man Mu also became a backer, and the little bun became more arrogant and happy. He cast a provocative look at Xiao Junyan, the laughter became louder, and the milky voice called Mr. Mu, grandpa, and called Mr. Mu. The bones on his body are lighter by a couple of times.

"The little bun is so good! As expected of the old man's treasure!" Old man Mu became even more proud and proud, and laughed happily.

Xiao Junyan glanced at his son obliquely, facing the old man Xiao and old man Mu, he was helpless, so he could only turn around and ignore the stinky boy.

"Wife!" Xiao Junyan came to Mu Yue's side, hugged her, muffled her voice, and screamed aggrievedly.

Mu Yue looked up at Xiao Junyan suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Just now, her gaze had been looking at Nangong Yuehua and the others, and she hadn't even looked at Xiao Junyan and Xiao Baozi, so she didn't know what happened to them.

Xiao Junyan complained to Mu Yue in a voice of grievance and consolation, "Grandpa they despise me and drove me away!"

"Puff!" Mu Yue couldn't hold back when he heard the words. He laughed and gave Xiao Junyan angrily, and said aggrievedly, "Grandpa and they didn't even bother me just now, they just regarded me as I lost the air, I didn't even look at me!"

Xiao Junyan heard this, but he hugged Mu Yue happily, and said, "It's enough for you to have me, and it's enough for me to have you!"

"Well, it's enough to have you!" Mu Yue nodded, and looked at what the little bun looks like at this time. He really has forgotten his mother if he has a backer, and his husband is the most reliable.

After receiving Mu Yue's answer, Xiao Junyan's lips raised a slight curve, lowered his head and dropped a loud kiss on her cheek.

Mu Yue even raised her head and glared at Xiao Junyan, "Don't be like this, everyone is watching!"

"No!" Xiao Junyan glanced at Ye Tianming and the others coldly. He was so frightened that Ye Tianming directly greeted people and arranged to carry things, looking very busy.

Mu Yue chuckled slightly, only to think that this man was really becoming more and more lovely.

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