Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4121: Mu Dong, you are back 1

"Okay, you can eat, everyone hurry up to the table!" The big aunt walked out of the kitchen and said with a smile to everyone.

"You can eat, let's go!" Mu Haiwei stood up and said to Nangong Yuehua with a smile, "Brothers and sisters, try your sister-in-law and their cooking skills!"

Nangong Yuehua smiled and nodded, "Yeah!"

Everyone sat at the table, and Mu Yue also picked up the little bun and put him in his exclusive baby stool.

Xiao Junyan was also used to going into the kitchen and soaking milk for the little buns.

Looking at the table full of sumptuous dishes, Mu Yue said with a smile, "I have done so much!"

"There are some more!" The aunt said to Mu Yue with a smile.

In fact, before they went to the military area to pick up Muyue and them, they were all prepared. The dishes were already cut and served on the plate. After they came back, they only had to be fried.

Nangong Yuehua said to her aunt and them, "Sister-in-law, that's enough, don't do so much!"

"It's okay, there are too many people!" The aunt said with a smile, "Brother and sister, eat more!"

Mu Yue smiled, and said to Nangong Yuehua, "Yes, Mom, this is all from the big aunt and the others!"

"Xiao Yue'er is right!" said the big aunt with a smile, "Everyone, let's eat first!"

Elder Mu smiled and picked up the wine glass and said with a smile, "Come here, have a drink first, to celebrate my daughter-in-law's return home, and also to celebrate Xiaoyue's triumphant return from the ancient martial world!"

"That's right, but you have to celebrate!" Elder Xiao also laughed and raised the wine glass in his hand and said.

Everyone was excited and raised the glass in front of them.

The little bun sitting in his own seat saw that everyone was raising their wine glasses, and they also raised the bottle in their hands in a similar way. The milk screamed, "Grandma..."

Everyone laughed when they saw the appearance of the little bun.

"Come on, Little Bun, let's toast!" Everyone said to Little Bun with a smile.

The little bun giggled happily and opened his mouth to drink his milk.

Mu Yue favored Xiao Baozi and wiped her mouth, "Drink slowly, no one will grab you!"

The little bun happily hugged Mu Yue's hand, rubbed her face, and cried out with milk, "Mom..."

"Little bun, drink grandma obediently!" Mu Yue said softly with a smile.

The little bun held up his baby bottle and clicked his mouth twice.

"Come here, everyone is hungry, let's eat!" Elder Mu said to everyone with a smile.

At lunch, everyone had a good time and was very happy.

Although there are still some people in the Mu family who have not returned, such as Mu Yuqing who is still in Jianghuai and the three generations in the military region, they have not yet returned.

However, even if they did not come back, everyone still had a sumptuous reunion dinner.

The little bun has its own baby stool. He can only watch the adults eating the delicious food on the table, but he can't eat it, "Mom...Yes!"

Mu Yue smiled and comforted the little bun, "Little bun, dear, you can't eat it now, let's drink grandma! When you grow up, you will be able to eat like mom and dad!"

Xiao Baozi has tears in his eyes, biting his pacifier, drinking milk chuckle, drink more, grow up quickly, and eat so many delicious things!

Everyone couldn't help laughing as they looked at Xiao Baozi's grievances.

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