Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4133: Chinese medicine hospital follow-up 3

Mu Yue smiled and said to Catherine and Jason, "Since I am a doctor, I am responsible for every patient treated, and I will never give up halfway!"

"Haha! We naturally believe in Doctor Mu!" Jason said to Mu Yue with a smile.

Looking at the figure of his wife, Catherine, Jason was very grateful to Mu Yue.

Before coming, Catherine's body was completely skinny, and he felt distressed. He was very happy and excited when watching Mu Yue's treatment to restore Catherine to her previous state.

Mu Yue smiled and took out her pulse pillow, and said, "I'll show Mrs. Catherine the pulse!"

Catherine quickly asked Mu Yue to examine herself.

After examining Catherine, Mu Yue nodded and said, “Well, Mrs. Catherine’s illness can be recovered by the end of the year. After the treatment is over, you still have to take more control. If you feel unwell, please come to me as soon as possible!"

"Good, good!" Jason and Catherine were even more excited when Mu Yue's answer was received, and they nodded gratefully and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue picked up the paper money and said to Jason and the others, "I will prescribe another mild prescription to Mrs. Catherine, which will be more beneficial to her body!"

"Okay, thank you doctor!"

For Mu Yue's medical skills, they believed very much that they would only be delighted if Mu Yue had to prescribe a prescription.

Qiu Lianghui watched Mu Yue's behavior from the side, and couldn't help but admire it secretly. It is estimated that only Mu Yue can do this!

Looking at the attitudes of these rich people, the other doctors and experts can't get such treatment, let alone get so much treatment fees.

After the prescription was prescribed, Mu Yue and Jason chatted a few more words, then left and went to see other patients for follow-up.

After Mu Yue's follow-up visit, almost two-thirds of the people could be treated and recovered by the end of the year.

The remaining patients have also recovered very well, and their treatment has come to an end, as long as they take the prescriptions prescribed by Mu Yue, Mu Yue only needs to give them pulses every day or the next day to determine their physical recovery. That's it.

After the follow-up visit was over, it was already two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

Mu Yue is mainly responsible for these patients, and some patients also specially give them the last acupuncture, so that they can recover faster, which can also reduce her workload in the future.

Returning to her lounge here, Mu Yue glanced at the thick pile of patient information, and shook her head helplessly.

"These are the patient's information, but we also know that you don't know how to read the information, Dr. Mu, so there are only two or three pages, but there are quite a few!" Qiu Lianghui saw that Mu Yue's attention was focused on the information. Explained.

Mu Yue nodded, took a picture of the document, and said, "It's okay, I won't be here in the next few days, just send these to my house!"

"Okay!" Qiu Lianghui nodded.

Mu Yue thought for a while and said, "Before the treatment, I will give you a copy of the previous batch of materials, so that you can contact them first and let them come as soon as possible!"

I don't know if those people are in China, if they are not, they must be allowed to come first so that they can receive her next diagnosis and treatment.


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