Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4140: Little Bun's Masterpiece 1

After a while, the maintenance staff came to Xiao's house, checked the door of the room, his eyes were staring out, and he was a little unbelievable.

One of the maintenance personnel asked Elder Xiao in a puzzled way, "Elder Xiao, this...this is really bad because of disrepair for a long time? Why did it all fall off?"

Elder Xiao said without blushing and breathing, "I don't know, anyway, when I just opened the door, I pushed it hard and it fell down. I don't know what the specific situation is. You can check it and fix it. !"

"Uh...this, yes!" Now that Elder Xiao has already spoken, these maintenance personnel are not good to ask more.

Elder Xiao looked at the tangled expressions of these maintenance personnel, secretly funny in his heart, but still said without changing his face, "You guys do it!"

The maintenance staff was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said guiltily to Mr. Xiao, “Old Xiao, because we didn’t expect the entire door to fall, and some tools are not there yet, we have to go back and get them!”

When the old man Xiao heard this, he also secretly smiled bitterly in his heart, well, he didn't expect it too!

"Well, it's okay, you can figure it out by yourself!" Grandpa Xiao nodded, and then left with both hands and back.

He didn't want to talk to them anymore, no matter how thick his face was, he couldn't say this thing to them expressionlessly.

Elder Xiao returned to the sofa and looked at the few Xiao Fengyi sitting on the sofa who were holding back a smile but did not make a sound. He rolled his eyes and snorted.

Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin both hid their mouths and snickered, and there was really no way to hold back any longer.

Mu Yue touched the little bun who was drinking warm water from a milk bottle in his arms.

At this time, the little bun didn't know that his grandfather was blushing because of his great deeds!

"Mom... here!" The little steamed bun handed the milk bottle in his hand to Mu Yue very considerately, looking like a sycophant.

Mu Yue smiled, "Little steamed bun drinks it by himself, mom doesn't drink it!"

"Oh!" Little Bun nodded his little head and drank water by himself.

Du Xueqin smiled, jokingly said, "Hey, Xiao Baozi doesn't know that he has done a very great thing!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Fengyi nodded in agreement, and looked at the cultivation level personnel who came and left with immense sympathy in his heart.

It is estimated that their hearts have been hit by 10,000 points!

"They also said just now. I didn't expect the door to fall like this. Ha ha, the whole door frame has fallen down!" Du Xueqin only felt her stomach hurt and said with a smile.

Thinking of the appearance of those people just now, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Little Baozi blinked his big cute eyes when he saw Du Xueqin holding her belly on the sofa, and a puzzled look appeared on her little face.

The little hand grabbed Mu Yue's clothes, pointed at Du Xueqin and asked, "Mom, aunt..."

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said softly, "Auntie has a stomachache, little bun, you go touch your belly for auntie!"

When the little bun heard it, he happily ran to Du Xueqin and rubbed her belly.

Du Xueqin's heart was warmed by Xiao Baozi's behavior, and she only felt that her little nephew was really good!

"Little bun, my aunt loves you the most!" Du Xueqin kissed the little bun fiercely and said.

Little Bun giggled.


Little bun clasped his fists to thank Katze for the red envelope! muah! Refill

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