After Qi Chuan reported on his work, it was Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company's turn.

The Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company now has a clear division of labor. The beauty category is Qiu Moge, prescription and non-prescription drugs are handed over to Ouyang Promise, and the military area is Junli.

Jun Li first reported to Mu Yue, "Mu Dong, now the second phase of the plant in the Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company Military Region has ended and the third phase of the project has begun! The information contains the photos of the second phase of the project, you can see Mu Dong. Look!"

Mu Yue nodded, and also looked at some photos in the profile, "Well, how about the demand for the military area? Can it be met?"

"This, we have also calculated that the military region medical company has built a few more sub-factories, and the third phase of the project should be completed! However, the specifics also depend on the situation!" Jun Li explained, "the military region also agrees. I have discussed that if it is still too small, we can build it again! The military area will also give us the land, and they will bear the rest!"

Jun Li now remembered that the big bosses in the military districts were very fond of the drugs produced by their pharmaceutical companies.

Especially those medicines for bruises, military training, normal training, especially recruits, these medicines are indispensable, as long as one spray, one night, and the next day will be the same as if there was no injury.

This made it impossible for them to leave these drugs, and they also attached great importance to Mu Yue's drugs.

They all hope that Mu Yue can have better medicine for the military region.

Mu Yue heard this, but knew it well. Knowing the calculations of those old guys, he smiled and said, "It's okay, let's do it for the time being, we will talk about it when the third phase of the project is over!"

Those are all old foxes, no one knows how good her medicine is.

If it weren't for those medicines for military districts, she believes that these medicines have long been famous all over the world.

Of course, this is only because Mu Yue has not made any plans in recent years, and she will still put these drugs in her Tianzi drugstore in the future.

It's just that the company is still developing, and the construction of the factory is too late, so other things are not considered.

"Um, okay!" Jun Li could only nod his head when he heard it. He was also thankful that he didn't agree to the big guys first, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to explain.

"Don't worry about the old people in the military area. They are a group of old foxes. They are shrewd and want to put more good prescriptions on me!" Mu Yue said to Jun Li clearly, "According to my calculations, third After the end of the project, the products produced will only be more, not less, unless I add other new products, otherwise there is no need to build more factories!"

Jun Li subconsciously touched the non-existent sweat on his forehead, then smiled and nodded, "Mu Dong, fortunately you told me!"

Mu Yue gave Jun Li a look that you have to work hard on, "You don't need to talk too much about those old foxes. If you have any requirements you can't decide, let them come to me personally, and I will deal with them!"

"Hey, okay, I'm relieved with Mu Dong's words!" Jun Li breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

He had told the big guys before that this matter needed Mu Yue's decision, or they came to Mu Yue.

But they seemed to be very afraid of Mu Yue. When they heard that they wanted to find Mu Yue, they didn't mention them one by one, just let him take care of it.

Feelings, those big guys really don't want to face Mu Yue!

Is Mu Yue really so scary?

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