Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4170: Mother meets friend 3

Mu Yue led everyone to the canteen, which was lively at this time, after all, it happened to be lunch time.

"Your dining hall is really luxurious!" Mu Zhitong looked at it and said in surprise.

Xiang Tianhe was also surprised and nodded in agreement, "Yes! The decoration is really good. I have been to many canteens, but your canteen is not as well decorated!"

"Yeah! My company doesn't spend a lot of money on decorations like you!" Yuan Xiao sighed softly and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, and said, "Naturally it should be better and clean, and the food in the cafeteria must be fresh and safe! Moreover, the chefs here are also the chefs who will be assigned to the national medicinal restaurants soon!"

"No?" An Ziyun widened her eyes in surprise when she heard Mu Yue's words.

Mu Yue nodded, "Naturally it's true, don't believe it, just wait for you to taste it! Let's go, go to the box!"

"There are also boxes!" Su Yunxi asked Mu Yue in surprise.

"Of course there are, and some discussions and treats are inevitable. The hygiene outside is always worrying, so I made some boxes and let's go!" Mu Yue said to everyone with a smile.

There are many pubs and restaurants outside, you can invite them to eat, but Mu Yue believes that if they know the chefs and the dishes they make, they will definitely not refuse.

After all, the name of the medicated food restaurant is among the upper-class people, and the reputation is also very good, especially the medicinal wine spirit tea in the medicated restaurant, which is definitely their favorite!

"Tsk! You are really amazing, and you are really willing to spend money!" Hearing Mu Yue's words, Mu Zhitong and the others couldn't help but secretly thumbs up and said in praise.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Since I work under my hand, I naturally have to give them the best benefits. Anyway, I am not short of money!"

"Really, a person who can earn more than one billion yuan in a single treatment is indeed not short of money." An Ziyun curled his lips and said with envy and jealousy.

Alas, when she heard the news, she almost bit her tongue, and she was quite frightened.

Yuan Xiao also smiled and said jokingly, "That's right, we can't compare to you! If you are short of money, just treat a rich man can solve the problem of money! I suddenly felt that the treatment fee I used to give you seems to be less! "

Mu Yue suddenly showed an awkward smile on her face, and quickly said with a smile, "Everyone is a friend, so why don't you talk about money!"

"You are right!" An Ziyun smiled and patted Mu Yue on the shoulder, and said, "In the future, our body care will depend on you!"

"Don't worry, your body will be handed over to me, and I will definitely make you a hundred years old!" Mu Yue smiled confidently and said.

After listening to An Ziyun, she smiled with satisfaction, "This is pretty much the same!"

Mu Yue led the crowd into the big box and put the little bun on the baby seat. This was prepared by Ling Hong and the others after the little bun was born. You have to buy it once or twice, but you can spoil him!

The little bun was sitting in his baby seat, patted on the happy little table.

"Oh, little bun, you are really amazing, you have your own seat, your mother really loves you!" Mu Zhitong squeezed the fat little bun's face, she was so fond of it, and she couldn't put it down.

Little Bun blinked a pair of big cute eyes and raised a bright smile triumphantly, "Mom..."


Come out of the little black house, hurry up! Thank you Katze for your reward, okay! Love you most! Refill refill refill! Tell the important thing three times

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