Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4195: It's not too much to watch a movie 1

Joseph waited impatiently, and in the security monitoring room upstairs, Ouyang promised to drink tea with a smile, and even clinked glasses with Yin Yun, "This scene is great!"

"Yes!" Yin Yun turned his head from the monitoring screen, smiled and clinked glasses with Ouyang Promise, and said regretfully, "Unfortunately, there is no wine!"

"No way, this is during work!" Ouyang Nuoyun said with a smile.

Ouyang promised to look at the situation on the first floor below leisurely here, and the real 360 degrees appeared in front of them without any dead ends.

He turned off his cell phone directly, and just waited for Joseph to come here today!

Looking at the two people Gao Hu and Josephs angry looking outside, it was a refreshing feeling in my heart!

Seeing that Gao Hu couldn't get through Ouyang's promised phone, he could only call other people's phone.

In addition to Ouyang's promised phone call, he also has Qiu Moge.

Qiu Moge's phone number is also available, just because Qiu Moge said that to discuss this kind of thing, he discussed with Ouyang Promise, so he has always been with Ouyang Promise.

Therefore, now Gao Hu can only ask about the whereabouts of Ouyang Promise and Mu Yue, wanting to know where they are.

Qiu Moge didn't answer Gao Hu's phone in person, but threw it to his secretary and asked his secretary to pick it up, because he also received a notice from Ouyang Promise.

When I saw Gao Hu's call, I naturally didn't want to answer it in person.

The secretary was also arranged and turned the phone on the hands-free, and said politely, "Hello, sorry, Mr. Qiu will see the meeting now. If you have anything to do, please call again after a while!"

When Gao Hu heard the secretary's words, he was called a big fire, and he had to wait for a while. How could he have so much time!

But he still hurriedly said to the secretary, "Miss, don't hang up, I want to ask you something, only you!"

The secretary listened and asked in confusion, "Didn't you find Mr. Qiu?"

"Naturally, but, I actually wanted to ask, where is Manager Ouyang Promise now, do you know?" Gao Hu quickly asked the secretary.

The secretary glanced at Qiu Moge, who shook his head with a bright smile on his face.

The secretary who got the instructions said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, this gentleman, I am President Qiu's secretary. I only care about the whereabouts of my manager. I don't know the whereabouts of other managers!"

After listening to Qiu Moge, he was very satisfied and gave his secretary a thumbs up, expressing praise.

But Gao Hu was almost mad when he heard this. They are all the same company, and they are all in charge of Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company. He even said that he didn't know, who would believe it!

"Why don't you know? Don't the managers of the same company have a meeting together?" Gao Hu asked quickly.

When Qiu Moge heard it, he quickly wrote a sentence on the white paper. The secretary glanced at it and said, "I have a meeting with Mr. Qiu now. I haven't seen Mr. Ouyang, so I don't know. I'm really sorry! "

Gao Hu is really going to kick people. Who are these people? How come they don't even know their whereabouts.

Qiu Moge and the secretary almost didn't laugh when they heard the rough gasp coming from the other side of the phone.

"Sir, if there is nothing wrong, I'll hang up first!" The secretary couldn't help laughing, but still said solemnly.

Where could Gao Hu still have the mind to accompany the secretary to mess around there, so he hung up the phone directly.

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