The police asked, but there was a ridicule, "Say it? If you say it, how could Mu Dong not let you in? The people in the company still don't know about you!"

Gao Hu was very aggrieved. He really felt very aggrieved and depressed. "What I said is true, Mr. Police, you have to believe me!"

"Sorry, we will wait until we investigate before making a decision!" The policeman said with a cold face, in business, "Take him away!"

Hearing the words of the leading policeman, the other policemen led Gao Hu from the security guard. Gao Hu wanted to escape, but he had no other choice.

Josephus just watched the police press Gao Hu to leave.

Gao Hu also thought of Josephus, and yelled at Josephus, "Boss boss, come and save me, I have listened to your orders!"

When the police heard Gao Hu's words, they looked at Josephus, but when they saw Joseph, they saw that he was a foreigner, and they suddenly had no idea of ​​catching him.

The opponent is a foreigner, so you can't catch it casually.

After just taking a look, the policeman ordered, "Take this person away first!"

When Gao Hu heard this, he became anxious, and his feet were shaking, "No, he is my boss. We are here to meet Mu Dong and to cooperate with him. Moreover, I have also been with Manager Ouyang. we have a deal!"

The police didn't believe Gao Hu's words. Since everyone in the Longteng Group said that it was Gao Hu's trouble with the Longteng Group, then it was absolutely no problem to take him away.

Gao Hu resisted even more fiercely, but he couldn't resist successfully, and was framed by two policemen and left the lobby of the Longteng Group.

The front desk clerk looked at Gao Hu being taken away, smiled and waved at him.

I just feel that I have done a successful thing.

Only Joseph was left in the lobby of the Longteng Building.

Because some things are confidential, originally, Joseph had a secretary, but the secretary did not speak the language of China, and there were not many people in the company, so he could only bring Gao Hu.

Now that Gao Hu was arrested, Joseph was really the only one left.

Joseph looked around, then looked at the front desk clerk, and said in English, "Hello, I am Joseph Davis, CEO of Bosen Biotech, and I want to see your chairman Mu Yue!"

With a big smile on his face, the front desk clerk said, "Sorry, I don't understand you!"

Although Joseph didn't speak much Chinese language, he still understood this sentence, because he had learned it when he was learning it. The teacher asked him to speak to others at first, but now it is returned to him.

Hearing the words of the front desk clerk, Josephus's face was very ugly, and his heart was extremely angry, numb, what's the situation!

No one can speak English in such a large company.

"No one can speak English?" Joseph asked the front desk clerk in a rigid Chinese language.

The front desk clerk was very sorry and directly took out a translated note.

Josephs looked at the note in front of him, the color of his face was constantly changing, and he understood the content on the note.

The content on the note turned out to be, "This company is still under development, and we have not recruited a foreign-language receptionist, please forgive me!"

Joseph really wanted to go crazy, glared at the waiter fiercely, and pointed at her, "GOOD! VERYGOOD!"

In the end, he turned and left unwillingly. He couldn't stay here anymore. If he stayed any longer, he would lose his face.

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