Ruth Hogben was completely impressed by Mu Yue's diagnosis, which was really amazing.

Just by taking a pulse, you can know exactly how your father got sick, and you can also detect what your father is eating.

Now I have to admire Mu Yue's medical skills, and he is more and more hopeful about his father's condition.

Ruth Hogben quickly apologized and said, "Sorry, Dr. Mu, my dad wanted to eat steak, so I went to get someone to buy a steak, but I didn't expect..."

Mu Yue waved his hand, opened his own consultation box, and said, "Don't say anything. You will follow the recipe I gave you in the future. If you violate the rules again, I won't be treated again!"

"Okay!" Ruth Hoggben nodded, feeling helpless and guilty in his heart, and he must pay more attention to it in the future.

Mu Yue opened her silver needle bag, still not forgetting to say, "Your father is cirrhosis of the liver, and you must pay more attention to his diet in the future. Even if he wants to eat, it won't satisfy him!"

Ruth Hogben nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, I will definitely listen to Dr. Mu's arrangements in the future, and I will never let him go wrong again!"

A doctor saw Mu Yue give Harold. When Hogben wanted acupuncture, he asked, "Doctor Mu, how do you plan to treat Mr. Harold Hogben?"

Mu Yueli didn't even pay attention to this question, but closed his eyes, adjusted his inner Qi, and prepared to treat Ruth Hogben with his inner Qi.

Now Ruth Hogg is suffering from an illness. If he wants to control his illness, she must consume a lot of internal force. She must control and stabilize her internal force.

Everyone just watched Mu Yue's quick needle injection, and everyone was amazed, but some people were a little puzzled and confused.

"Why did Dr. Mu give the Liangmen point acupuncture? Can this also cure the disease?"

"Yeah, what is it that the Liangmen point of this liver cirrhosis can be dropped?"

The masters of Chinese medicine all showed a puzzled look, bowed their heads and whispered secretly.

It's just that they want to ask, and Mu Yue will answer them, but Mu Yue is giving Harold Hogbumba acupuncture and moxibustion.

Ruth Hogben heard that there is still noisy business in this ward, and turned his head to order, "Except for Dr. Mu, everyone else will go out here. Don't disturb Dr. Mu to treat my dad!"

When the doctors heard Ruth Hogben's words, they were very willing.

"Mr. Ruth Hogben, we want to see Miss Mu diagnose Mr. Harold Hogben here!" Some doctor said unwillingly.

There are also doctors who are expecting to say to Dr. Ruth Hogben, "Yes, yeah, we also hope to see how Miss Mu Yue is treated, and we will also study it!"

Ruth Hogg didn't care what they wanted to study or not, he just wanted his father to be fine.

"You will only disturb Dr. Mu treating my dad here!" Ruth Hoggben murmured dissatisfiedly to these doctors.

The western medical experts shook their heads one by one and made a zipper gesture to their mouths.

"Mr. Hogben, we are not talking, but these doctors from China, they are talking over there, just let them go out!"

"Yes!" The other Western medical experts nodded in agreement.

This is definitely the rhythm of the layman watching the lively and the expert watching the doorway. It is precisely because he understands Chinese medicine that he discusses Mu Yue's acupuncture and moxibustion.

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