Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4207: The little bun is here too 1

"Little ancestor, stop crying, okay, your mother is still busy now!" Qiu Lianghui was about to cry.

The little bun heard that it was not Qiu Lianghui on the other side, and suddenly cried louder, "Wow, wow, mommy...the baby wants his mother..."

Qiu Lianghui's eardrums almost collapsed when Xiao Baozi cried.

He could only pray that God would release Mu Yue as soon as possible, otherwise, he would really go crazy.

"Little bun, I beg you, don't cry, okay?" Qiu Lianghui can only shout in his heart, who can get rid of this little ancestor!

I don’t know if God really heard Qiu Lianghui’s cry. Nangong Yuehua took the call from Xiao Baozi and said with concern, "Choosser Qiu, how is Yue'er? Her treatment for Harold Hogben is over. Are you there yet?"

Qiu Lianghui sighed helplessly and said, "I'm really sorry, Miss Mu hasn't finished the treatment yet. I can't go in and see the specific situation, I can only wait!"

"Is there no news?" Nangong Yuehua asked Qiu Lianghui with concern again.

Qiu Lianghui nodded, "Yes, there is no news at all, no one is allowed to enter, I have also been pushed out!"

Nangong Yuehua glanced at the little bun who was still crying, and could only say, "Well then, let me take the little bun to the hospital for a look!"

"Okay!" Qiu Lianghui could only agree, and he couldn't stand the cry of the little bun.

Nangong Yuehua hung up the phone and comforted Little Bun with concern, "Little Bun, walk around, shall we go to the hospital to find my mother?"

"Yeah!" The little bun listened, and finally stopped crying, and nodded his little head, "Look for mom!"

Nangong Yuehua looked at Father Mu, "Then Dad, I will take the little bun to the Chinese Medicine Hospital first!"

"Well, let's go, don't go, my old man guesses that this life is going to be gone!" Elder Mu nodded his head in a dumbfounded manner, and had to agree first.

When the little bun heard that he was going to find his mother, he stopped crying, wiped the tears from his little face, Deng Deng Deng ran to the door of the room and put on his shoes.

Nangong Yuehua saw the appearance of the little bun, and shook her head dumbly. It was simply incomparable to the little bun who made a lot of noise just now!

There is no news from the hospital, everyone can only wait, even Ruth Hoggben has come out.

"Mr. Hogben, how is it?"

"Did Dr. Mu succeed in the rescue?"

"Yeah! What happened inside?"

Everyone caringly asked Ruth Hogben when he walked out of the ward.

Ruth Hogg spread his hands, and said unclearly, "Not yet, Doctor Mu hasn't finished the treatment. She asked me to eat something first. She said there is still a while!"

However, at least my father's condition is very good, and the data on the instrument has returned to the usual state.

"Okay!" Everyone listened, but shook their heads helplessly.

Ruth Hogben hurriedly pushed away the people in front of him, and he had to go in to help Mu Yue after eating, "Okay, get out of the way, I'm going to eat something!"

Everyone wanted to ask, but there was no way to stop Ruth Hogben, they were indeed each other's identity higher than them!

When Joseph heard the news, he only felt that God didn't care for him at all and didn't help him at all.

When is this going!

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