Mu Yue watched Joseph being dragged out of the Chinese Medicine Hospital by Ruth Hogben's bodyguard.

Josephus didn't want to believe that he would be driven out. This was something that had never happened before.

Faced with this situation, Joseph hurriedly explained, "It's not like that, I came to see my friend Amos Greeno!"

It's just that, everyone curled their lips to show that they didn't believe it.

No one knows the name of Joseph Davis now, let alone heard of it.

This means that this person or their family members, after all, had inquired and investigated in order to determine Mu Yue's medical skills, and they knew the patients and family members very well.

It's not those people, and they said they just came to see friends. The purpose of this person is how people who become elites in shopping malls can't understand.

Mu Yue glanced at the people present, secretly gloating in his heart, and a little bit of sneer and ridicule, this Joseph was looking for boring!

Does this mean the place where the company cooperates? And still so blatant!

"Then I will leave first!" Mu Yue said to Ruth Hogben.

Nangong Yuehua took the little bun and took the elevator together under the leadership of Qiu Lianghui.

And Josephus could only watch Mu Yue get into the elevator first, but he was stopped by the bodyguard.

"Miss Mu, Miss Mu..." Joseph watched the elevator doors slowly closing, and kept yelling.

In fact, it is no wonder Joseph, he is also impatient to wait!

Moreover, he had been treated unfairly in the Longteng Group Building before, and the gentlemanly demeanor he thought he had disappeared.

Seeing the elevator doors closed, Josephs was really going to scold Mu Yue to death, for so shamelessly.

Ruth Hogg was instructed to the bodyguard, "Go and talk about it, this person will not allow him to come in in the future!"

He had to cooperate with Mu Yue in a hurry, and even someone he had never met. Ruth Hoggben knew that he was definitely not as rich and powerful as his group, so since Mu Yue didn’t want to be disturbed, and because of To treat his father so tired, of course he has to do something to help.

He saw Mu Yue's medical skills in his eyes.

Now my father, Harold Hoggben, woke up after emergency treatment and looked very good.

But before! My father was not as serious as it is now, and those western medical experts who claim to be superb medical skills rescued the father who had suffered an illness.

At that time, she was absolutely exhausted and collapsed, and even saying a word was a problem.

"Yes!" The bodyguard obeyed the boss's orders and went down to make arrangements.

Sitting in the car, Mu Yue became alive and well, took the little bun in his arms, and gently touched his little head.

But the little bun was very considerate, twisting her body, standing in the car, leaning her body on Mu Yue's lap, and said gruffly, "Mom tired, don't hug!"

Nangong Yuehua nodded on Little Bun's nose, "Smuggler!"

The little bun was deceived in the future, looking at Mu Yue looking for praise, "Mom, are you good?"

Mu Yue lowered her head and gave Little Bun a resounding kiss, "Well, very well-behaved, you are much better than your father!"

When Xiao Baozi heard her mother say that he was much better than Smelly Baba, the smile on his face suddenly increased.

"Better than smelly baba!" The little bun said happily.

Mu Yue and Nangong Yuehua couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

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