Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4214: Xiao Shao who counts his son 2

Chinese Medicine Hospital

In Harold Hogben's ward, whether it is a Western or Chinese medicine expert, he is watching with an inspection report.

"How is it?" Ruth Hoggben looked at everyone with a look of worry and expectation and asked.

All Western and Chinese medicine experts nodded and said, "Okay, very good!"

They saw Harold Hoggben waking up just before they came in, but it was obvious that his condition was much better than before the onset of the illness.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway. Ruth Hogben can only see that Harold Hogben is better than the previous rescue, but he cannot see that this time is better than before the rescue.

This alone makes them have to make them older specialist doctors naturally inferior.

Now, seeing this inspection report again, I was once again impressed by my heart.

"Really?" Although Ruth Hogben had confirmed his expectations, he asked them excitedly again.

The western medical expert nodded with certainty and said, "It is indeed!"

"Doctor Mu's rescue not only saved Harold Hogben's life, but also treated him. That's why Mr. Harold Hogben can live in such a good state!" Another western medical expert said analytically. .

Ruth Hogben heard this and was very happy, "Fortunately, I ran into it, Dr. Mu, with Dr. Mu, there will be no problem with my father's illness!"

"I really don't know how Dr. Mu treated it!"

"Yeah! When she comes to the hospital for Harold Hogben's follow-up, ask her again!"

"Hey, I'm worried that Dr. Mu said it, but we don't understand it either!"

Whether it is a western medicine expert or a Chinese medicine expert, there is a burst of excitement, looking forward to Mu Yue's explanation.

However, for those Western medical experts, they are still very worried. After all, they don't understand Chinese medicine. Even if Mu Yue said it, they would not understand!

They had done this before, and after a few times, they hadn't reported any hope anymore.

Ruth Hogben told the doctor to stop administering Western medicine to Harold Hogben and remove all the drips from his body except for the machine.

Mu's family, Xiao Junyan returned home, did not see Mu Yue, "Where is Yue?"

"Take a rest upstairs!" Nangong Yuehua said, "Save people during the day. After a busy day, I feel a little tired!"

Xiao Junyan frowned slightly and walked upstairs to their room.

Mu Yue slept very shallowly. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she opened her eyes, saw Xiao Junyan coming back, and asked in surprise, "Are you back?"

Xiao Junyan walked to the bed and sat down, and asked concerned, "Are you tired today?"

"It's okay!" Mu Yue smiled slightly, and sat up and leaned against Xiao Junyan's arms, taking the initiative to act like a baby, so that this guy wouldn't settle accounts with himself again, "I'm not tired this time. watch!"

Xiao Junyan shook Mu Yue's slender hand, and said helplessly, "I know you are restless!"

Mu Yue smiled, put her arms around Xiao Junyan's neck, and proactively admitted her mistake, "I consume a lot of internal energy, but this is all normal. Don't be angry, okay? I'm not too tired!"

"You!" Xiao Junyan nodded Mu Yue Xiaoqiong's nose, "If you are still tired, take a break first!"

"No, I have already rested, otherwise, I won't wake up immediately when you come in!" Mu Yue said vigorously immediately.

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