Mu Yue helped Harold Hogben to continue the treatment, but those Chinese medicine experts still couldn't see what Mu Yue's technique was.

Other patients don't need Mu Yue to work too hard for the time being, and for the time being, only Harold Hogg needs Mu Yue to work hard.

In the next period of time, Mu Yue will be responsible for a lot of patients, so she also wants to treat similarly as soon as possible. After the laborious treatment is over, she can treat three patients a day.

Therefore, Mu Yue will treat Harold Hogben all day long these days, but it is acupuncture and moxibustion for a period of time, stopping for a period of time, so that his body can be relieved, and it can also make his body recover more. Faster.

Harold Hogben was treated by Mu Yue today, and he is absolutely very comfortable.

When he was in a coma yesterday, Harold Hoggben didn't have any consciousness, so he didn't feel anything about Mu Yue's treatment.

In today's treatment, Harold Hogg was sober, and Mu Yue's treatment also felt very clear. When the needle was given, the comfort of his body made him feel comfortable.

Ruth Hogben smiled and asked Harold Hogben, "Dad, how is your health? Is it better?"

Harold Hogben was full of excitement, nodded, and said, "Well, it's very good, very comfortable, and more comfortable than ever. It is more comfortable than those **** Western medical experts, I don't know how much!"

Having said that, the faces of the Western medical experts in the ward were all flushed, not knowing whether they were angry or ashamed.

Saying that they are **** experts, they only feel that Harold Hogben slapped their faces a few times, lowered their heads, and did not dare to face Mu Yue.

Ruth Hogben heard Harold Hogben's words and looked at Mu Yue with joy and gratitude. Now he finally saw that his father was so good, and when he heard his answer, he agreed with his father's words very much.

Those **** Western medical experts are really useless at all.

Ruth Hogg Ben waved his hands to the Western and Chinese medicine experts in the room, "You all go out first, it's okay to have Dr. Mu here!"

Today’s treatment was not as serious as Harold Hogben’s yesterday, so he did not rush these specialist doctors to leave the ward.

The expert doctor who was chased out was just said, and now he is chased out again, and he is extremely aggrieved, but he is helpless. What can they say?

If they want to track Harold Hogben's illness, they can also do follow-up rehabilitation treatment. It is estimated that Mu Yue will be there again, and they are not needed.

Seeing those experts and doctors go out, Ruth Hogben asked Mu Yue with concern, "Doctor Mu, my dad's disease, look, when will it be cured?"

Mu Yue lowered his head while acupuncture and said, "Your father's disease is already very serious. I can finish the previous treatment in a few days. After all, there are no other patients on hand, so I can take more time to treat!"

Ruth Hogben heard Mu Yue's explanation and nodded, "That's the best, Dr. Laomu has bothered so much these days!"

"Immediately after the end, for the next three months, I will have your father acupuncture once every week, and the rest just take the prescription I prescribed, it's fine!" Mu Yue said faintly, "After three months, another one After taking my prescription in the next year, the illness will be able to fully recover!"

"Can you recover in more than a year?" Harold Hogben and Ruth Hogben, father and son, heard Mu Yue's words, and they didn't believe it.

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