Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4231: Family shopping spree 4

Xiao Junyan pushed another car and walked over. While walking with Mu Yue, he said, "The flight has been set for you. You can go wherever you want in the future!"

Mu Yue just picked up a handful of tissues and turned to look at Xiao Junyan, a little surprised, "Is it really fast?"

"Well, your business, deal with it as soon as possible!" Xiao Junyan said softly.

Mu Yue chuckled and threw the tissue into the car, "Buy two packs first, there are towels here!"

Xiao Junyan settled, and said, "I want to have bath towels for you and me, and for the little buns. Buy some more. Parents don’t know if they will come frequently in the future, and they have to prepare them. , Buy twenty of them first! Stock up!"

Mu Yue smiled helplessly, "Well, listen to you, buy so much!"

"This kind of won't expire, it's okay!" Xiao Junyan said indifferently, already bowed his head and started to take the towel directly. By the way, I took every color, so it was easy to divide.

Mu Yue sighed softly. Anyway, just let him. There are indeed some guest rooms at home. Mom lives here, and indeed scores a lot of towels.

"Toothbrush and toothpaste cup!" Mu Yue patted his head and reminded, "By the way, you have to prepare some tea cups and glasses!"

Xiao Junyan comforted Mu Yue who was anxious, "There is ahead, don't worry, don't worry!"

Mu Yue scratched his head and sighed softly, "I bought a lot of things! Fortunately, there are so many cars, otherwise I can't put it down!"

Just walked two or three shelves, and the car was full again.

"Oh, there are so many of you?" Nangong Yuehua walked over and was surprised to see Mu Yue and the others pushing the car with everything in their hands.

Mu Yue nodded gently, and said, "Yes, I really need a lot of things!"

Suddenly, she really wanted to open her shopping website and just buy it on her mobile phone.

Buy directly in her own store, the quality is absolutely assured, if she is not assured, she must find them.

Moreover, the things you buy are delivered directly to your door, which is definitely a very good thing.

"Give me one, and you can push another empty one!" Nangong Yuehua first reached out to help Mu Yue and the others push one.

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, "How about little bun?"

Nangong Yuehua said with a smile, "That little devil, I've already played around. There is a children's paradise over there, and I'm going to play with Feng Yi!"

The little bun is a little one. He hasn't arrived at one year old, so he must go to play. Fortunately, no one knows it! Otherwise, it is estimated that he will be regarded as an evildoer!

"Well, that's good!" Mu Yue smiled and nodded and said, "Just let him play, mom, let the driver's guard come up and help get things. You can accompany them to settle the things in this car, the bank Do you have a card?"

Nangong Yuehua didn't work, but she was definitely not short of money, let alone Mu Haixuan's, and her company!

Mu Yue also gave Nangong Yuehua a bank card, which would often send some money in for her to use.

"Yes!" Nangong Yuehua nodded with a smile.

All three vehicles have drivers, and they all went to the park just now, and they are now on standby.

An ordinary family may buy these things over a period of time and many times, but she doesn't have so much time, so she can only buy one-time purchase today, and buy everything that can be bought.

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