Elder Chi smiled and asked Mu Yue, "You let you decorate this house?"

"Yes, it's naturally the style design I gave!" Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile.

When Grandpa Chi heard this, he burst into laughter and said triumphantly, "Hahaha, you guys, let me just say, this house must be the girl’s idea, just the iceberg boy, can’t make such a cozy house. Here it is!"

Old man Yan snorted, "Who can't guess it, I guessed it a long time ago!"

"That's right, that kid is the same as that stinky kid in my house, as long as he can live in it!" Elder Ye also said with a smile, "Where can the decoration be so good!"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, you marry a good grandson and daughter-in-law!" Mr. Yu said with envy and jealousy, "It's a pity that my grandson is so fateful!"

When Grandpa Xiao heard what the Grandpa Yu said, he was immediately unhappy, and he was a little proud and proud, "That is, it is because my boy and Yue'er have fate, no one can insert it!"

This makes him feel unhappy, and he couldn't help but counterattack and said, "I think, your kid is still very different in age, that kid is the old cow who eats tender flowers!"

"What's wrong with the old cow eating tender flowers? As long as you can eat them!" Elder Xiao said smugly instead.

Grandpa Yu licked his lips, and said a little gloating, "You can eat it? I see, your grandson is about to become Mu's family. Although he already has a marriage certificate, he hasn't moved to the wedding yet, so he almost lives in Mu's family. of!"

The smile on Elder Xiao's face froze, and he only felt bitter in his mouth. He also doubted whether he was marrying a grandson or a grandson.

However, under this circumstance, he still couldn't weaken his own momentum, and said, "That's because Jun Yan understands that Yue'er has not been in the Mu's family since she was a child, and wants her to stay with the Mu's people more!"

Recently, this matter has been spread secretly outside, but Elder Xiao also knows it, and now everyone is just joking here, and it's nothing.

Moreover, Elder Xiao knew that they were totally jealous and envy, and who made the person who married Mu Yue not their grandson, but his grandson!

If they were replaced by them, I would have helped their grandson by packing up the clothes and sending them to Mu's house. I wish he had been living in Mu's house. Of course, I would visit them from time to time!

"That kid in your family didn't seem to stay at home much before, right? The time spent at home for a year is only a handful, less than that of the kid in the Ye family!" Old man Chi couldn't help but plug in his mouth, reminding Said.

"That's not the same. Xiao Yueer is living outside, and she is still a girl. After so much suffering, she naturally has to take good care of her pain!" Elder Xiao said naturally, and even more mercilessly counterattacked, "I It’s not you unreasonable old men who don’t understand your children and grandchildren! Keep them by your side!"

He also understands that Xiao Junyan loves Mu Yue, and he also loves Mu Yue. He hasn't stayed with his relatives since he was a child, and soon after returning home, he will be married to Xiao's family. They would definitely not agree.

If he does not agree, it is estimated that his grandson still does not know when to get married, and his good-natured great-grandson does not know when to come out!

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