Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4242: Josephus is here too 1

Mu Yue and others came to the medicated restaurant, and now the parking lot outside the banquet building of the medicinal restaurant is full of luxury cars.

The old men were all sent by Mu Yue from the special passage to the box on the second floor. There were also a few tables in it, which were dedicated to these special-identity old men.

Mu Yue had to arrange the following things, which was to go downstairs with Xiao Junyan first.

The hall downstairs was also full of guests, chatting with each other, and it was full of excitement.

As the general manager of the medicinal restaurant, Ling Hong is naturally very concerned about it, and there are so many people with status and status coming together today, he has to receive it properly.

"Mu Dong, you are here!" When Ling Hong saw Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan come down, he greeted him with a smile.

Mu Yue nodded, "Well, how many people have been here?"

"A lot of people have come, and the people who sent the invitations have already come, even if there are no invitations, they have come a lot!" Ling Hong said helplessly, "Fortunately, I have prepared a lot of banquets, otherwise I'm really afraid that I can't sit down!"

Mu Yue smiled softly and said, "This news spreads really fast!"

"Isn't it?" Ling Hong also laughed, and said, "I have learned about all those who have not invited them. They are all subordinates of the relatives of the patients you are treating! The treatment has already begun and there are many who have not yet been treated. People!"

Thinking of the gift money that those people gave, his mouth was grinning. It is estimated that any package of gift money will be able to pay for today's banquet list.

These people really do everything in order to win over Mu Yue and get closer to her! This money is not the same as money!

"They want to give it away, just give it away!" Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, they all want me!"

She didn't mind the money she got from them to do good deeds, which was considered a kind of merit.

Ling Hong also smiled and said, "That's right. Anyway, if we have money, we are sorry for ourselves!"

"Well, by the way, how long will it take to open the feast?" Mu Yue asked with concern.

Ling Hong looked at his watch and said, "What's the matter, it will take another half an hour!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded lightly, "I'll go around first, you should be busy first!"

Ling Hong nodded and turned and left, while Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan walked around the banquet.

Those of my own friends also came.

An Ziyun looked left and right, staring at Mu Yue dissatisfied, "Where is your son? Why didn't you bring your son?"

"Upstairs, being held by those old men, I can't hold it even if I want to!" Mu Yue spread out his hands very innocent and helplessly, and said.

Mu Zhitong still snorted in disbelief, "Hmph, you are just making an excuse! No matter, I just want to see the little bun, you take him down and play with me!"

"Wait a minute, I'll hold him down again!" Mu Yue could only compromise.

Mu Zhitong was only slightly satisfied now, "This is pretty much the same!"

Mu Yue smiled and said to her friends, "Everyone eats slowly, I am a little busy today!"

Su Yunxi waved her hand and said, "If you know you are busy, don't worry about us. If you just hold your son down and play with us, it will be regarded as an apologize!"

Mu Yue couldn't laugh or cry when she heard it, but she didn't linger too much. After talking to everyone, she left.


Thanks katze for your reward! muah!

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