Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4252: Let the little bun sleep alone 2

Mu Yue made some snacks for everyone to eat. Everyone was very happy to eat. A few young people even grabbed them there. She really didn't dare to fight with the old man and the others. He could only compete with people of his own generation. grab.

The little bun was sitting on the blanket, watching the adults eating the delicious food made by his mother with grievances, and there was crystal saliva falling from the edge of his mouth.

Even in the evening, everyone was sitting at the table and eating good food, the little bun said that he couldn't get enough milk, and he wanted to eat the food his mother cooked!

Everyone ate a sumptuous dinner, which was even better than the medicated meals in the medicated food hall. Mu Yue's craftsmanship was absolutely top-notch. Unfortunately, they were not from the Mu family and could not eat it every day.

Several old men were even more jealous and jealous of Old Man Admiration and Old Man Xiao.

After a busy day, the excitement came to an end. The aunts cleaned the hall before leaving.

Mu Yue sent away some aunts and closed the door.

Xiao Junyan walked out of the kitchen, holding a cup of Lingcha, and handing it to Mu Yue, "Drink a cup of tea, relax!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded and pressed her neck, "It's really more tiring than fighting for a day!"

Xiao Junyan smiled and helped Mu Yue press her shoulders and neck, and said concerned, "I'll give you a massage!"

Mu Yue smiled sideways and let Xiao Junyan massage herself.

The little bun who was playing with toys turned his head and saw that his father and mother were sweet, got up, ran over with his calves, opened his arms, "Mom hug!"

"Smelly boy, I haven't seen your mother tired!" Xiao Junyan flicked Little Bun's forehead dissatisfiedly, and said in a lesson.

The little bun was holding his forehead aggrievedly, tears filled his big dark eyes, "Bad Dad!"

Mu Yue smiled and hugged the little bun into her arms, "That is, bad father, you know how to bully mother's baby!"

The little bun got up from Mu Yue's arms, squatted on the sofa, clenched his small hands into fists, and gently knocked Mu Yue on his legs.

Seeing the behavior of the little bun, Mu Yue warmed his heart, and said, "Little bun is really good!"

The little bun suddenly raised a bright smile on his face, "Baby is good, Dad is bad!"

"Smelly boy!" Xiao Junyan glared at the little bun with dissatisfaction. The stinky boy knew he was holding back.

"Puff!" Mu Yue laughed, "Don't get angry with your son!"

Xiao Junyan sighed softly, stood up and said, "I'll take him to take a bath first, you have a rest!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, smiling as she watched Xiao Junyan pick up the little bun from the sofa.

The little bun who was being hugged twisted his body and yelled in dissatisfaction, "Mom, I want mom!"

Xiao Junyan patted the little bun's **** lightly, "Mom is tired, Dad will give you a bath! Also, you are a boy, so you can't let mom see your little brother!"

The little bun pursed his little mouth. Although he agreed, he still kicked Xiao Junyan's stomach with his little feet uncomfortably.

When Xiao Junyan saw the appearance of the little bun, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, showing a smug smile, brat, he wanted to fight Laozi, it was too early!

Mu Yue saw Xiao Junyan take the little bun to the room, stretched out, and then fell heavily on the sofa, looking lazy.

"Finally it's over!" Mu Yue sighed softly.

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