Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4259: Press Conference 2

There are many curious people in the world, especially those reporters who like to ask questions.

In order to satisfy these reporters, Mu Yue asked Mo Lieye to hold a press conference.

A lot of reporters from all company radio stations, large and small, came, waiting for Morie Yee's announcement one by one.

Mo Lieye did a microphone test and said to everyone, "Welcome everyone to participate in the press conference of under Longteng Group!"

The name of the shopping site is, which everyone came up with after brainstorming.

The word "Yue" means happy, happy, and everyone is shopping happily, and it is also a homophonic "Yue" word for Mu Yue.

Originally, this company was also managed by Mu Yue. She led everything. They only developed the website. In fact, they really didn’t have Mu Yue’s brains and abilities, as well as funds. This website I can't do it.

With such a large investment, no matter it is, everyone has to be resigned.

The reporters looked at what Mo Lieye said with excitement.

They only felt that what Molie Ye said today would shake the entire Chinese nation.

However, when everyone was looking forward to saying "", Mo Lieye instead talked about the Huafeng video website. "However, before talking about, let me talk about our Huafeng video website. The latest news!"

When everyone heard Mo Lieye's words, the original enthusiasm dropped a lot, but everyone still looked at Mo Lieye eagerly.

Mo Lieye smiled and said to everyone, "Let Su Mu, the manager of Huafeng Video, introduce to everyone!"

Su Mu took the microphone and said to everyone with a smile, "Hello everyone, I’m Su Mu, the manager of Huafeng Video Website. I think everyone has already posted the announcement on our Huafeng Video Website. The year is free, but on New Year’s Day next year, Huafeng Video will start charging!"

"Of course, everyone is very curious. After the fee is charged, can you see if it is free, or, what is the status of the fee, then I will introduce to you!"

Su Mu is very careful to introduce the Huafeng Video website to the reporters.

The Huafeng video website will still have some free videos, but, for example, TV series will still be broadcast daily or weekly.

Members can watch a few episodes in advance, instead of members, they will watch a few episodes less, and the last few episodes require VIP to be able to see.

As for the movie, you can only watch the first half or the first third until you see half of it.

If you want to see the free ones, I'm sorry, this can wait for some limited time free activities, otherwise, you can only become a VIP member.

Of course, this VIP member will also cooperate with at that time. Both members will have certain contact and discount activities. Specifically, they will wait until Huafeng Video website charges for the announcement.

When the reporters heard Su Mu's explanation, their faces were filled with shock and expectation. Can such an operation be possible?

It's a pity that Huafeng Video website has not yet started charging, and I don't know what operations and discounts will be.

While everyone was secretly thinking and guessing, Mo Lieye asked Mu Yunqing, the current manager of, to introduce to everyone.

Hearing that Mu Yunqing was about to introduce to everyone, everyone suddenly became excited and excited, looking at him with expectant eyes, waiting for his explanation.

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