Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4264: The first batch of domestic merchants 1

Mu Yue didn't know that Josephs had bought a group of mercenaries and let them come to China.

It's just that Huaxia Kingdom is very strict in this regard. It will take some time to get them in. Therefore, Josephus still has the opportunity to talk about it first.

He also had to behave, otherwise, letting Mu Yue know his plan would be bad.

After the Longteng Group held a press conference here, it held investment and purchase meetings with the companies that it had already cooperated with.

These companies are all previously cooperated with Mu Yue, or some companies cooperated with Mu's family.

Because of Mu Haiye's company's position in China, the companies that he worked with in the past were all China and it was also a well-known brand company.

After receiving Mu Yue's invitation, the CEOs of these companies came to discuss the matter in person.

Mo Lieye introduced the operation of with them.

First, established its own online shopping supermarket, which is not food for the time being, mainly for daily necessities.

First, purchase a large amount of goods from these companies and distribute them to the shipping warehouses across the country. Now the most important thing is to discuss the purchase price.

According to their purchase quantity is definitely a lot, the price must be negotiated.

"Everyone must know that our online supermarket is different from some local supermarkets. They only target one place and are relatively large. If you want to sell things, you have to run all over the country, but , Our is different. We only have one website and only one sales channel. No matter where it is, we can buy. There is no regionality. If there is regionality, it means the entire Huaxia country and the population consumption I believe everyone knows that the quantity is definitely higher than that of everyone in the supermarkets and shopping malls!"

In fact, even if Mo Lieye didn't say this, these bosses were actually very clear in their hearts.

They also learned from the information Mo Lieye gave them, and they knew that this was indeed much better than the entire regional sales.

Moreover, it actually has certain benefits to be placed on the, which can help them increase their popularity, especially in some small cities. I don’t know their brand, but they can know their brand from their , And buy!

"Also, as long as everyone enters our and cooperates with the newly established express company of our Longteng Group! As long as the price is good for everyone, the price of our express company is also easy to negotiate!"

Now what they need to solve is not the sales problem, but the express delivery.

After all, China has no such big idea for the express delivery industry in this era. At most, it is logistics, and it may be changed to an express company in the future.

Mo Lieye confidently said to everyone, "Our express delivery company has been built, and I believe it will soon spread to all parts of the country, and it is guaranteed to be delivered to every place! I believe that now except for our express delivery Besides, there are only national express delivery, but their express delivery prices will certainly not be lower than ours!"

The bosses who did it again looked at each other, seeing helplessness and admiration in the eyes of each other.

I admire Mu Yue's ability, and admire Mu Yue's foresight to transform this express company.

In fact, they all see some of the Longteng Group's actions in their eyes, but they don't know what they are for.

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