Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4266: The first batch of domestic merchants 3

"Then what if we want to cooperate with a courier company? How do we do this?" The bosses are concerned about the courier company again.

Mo Lieye smiled and said, "Everyone has a good brand in China, and there are many factories. We can sell directly to the factory. As long as you have so many employees who can help you do it, you can let us be nearby. The courier company will deliver your goods! Distribute it to every buyer!"

Some bosses were even more concerned about the price and asked, "What about the price?"

"The price issue is calculated according to the delivery distance. We have set up a calculation department. You need to give us the location of your nearest delivery factory and calculate it for you. Of course, the nearest distance will definitely be very cheap! This price It's only preliminary now, and we can negotiate with everyone's order quantity in the future!" Mo Lieye smiled and said to the bosses.

Because in many cases, it is necessary to adjust measures to local conditions, and to adapt to the quantity. It can't be said to be dead, just talk to them about it first.

"As for the unsatisfactory price, we can discuss again when the time comes. Our Longteng Group is definitely cooperating in good faith! After all, we also need your supply!" Mo Lieye smiled and gave these bosses a reassurance.

After listening, the bosses nodded in agreement.

This is not just their own store, but also a large online supermarket owned by Morie Ye, which also needs their products to sell.

"However, I would also like to remind you that if you want to do it, you should do it as soon as possible. Whether it is the back-end service staff, the explanation staff, or the delivery staff, etc., they all need training!" Mo Lieye smiled to face The bosses said, "If there is no problem, I also hope that you can give me a copy of the purchase price of your products! Our freight will be given to everyone after the purchase price you give! Everyone is mutual benefit!"

Now that they have chosen to cooperate with them, they naturally also conducted a survey on the prices of their company's products, and they even know their costs and the lowest shipping prices.

If their price is not as good as their wish, then I’m sorry, the shipping price can only increase, but if they give a good price, the shipping price can be lower. This is mutual benefit!

How could these bosses not understand Mo Lieye's last meaningful words?

They are all old fried dough sticks in the shopping mall. Mo Lieye deliberately said that the freight would be given to them after they gave the purchase price. He must have been dissatisfied with the purchase price they gave.

Dissatisfied, maybe the express delivery will be more expensive, if the purchase price is satisfied, maybe the express delivery fee is cheaper.

It is just as these bosses think, but it is so.

"In that case, we have to go back and have a meeting first, and let our company's sales department make a price as soon as possible!" A boss directly stood up and said to Mo Liye.

"Yes, the specific thing is that we want to go back and hold a meeting again, so we won't stay too much!"

"We will give you a price list as soon as possible!"

The veterans also all got up one after another, saying that they would consider it carefully after returning, and their move in was also certain.

Mo Lieye smiled and nodded to the boss, "Okay!"

Mo Lieye also smiled and sent these bosses into the elevator.


Thanks katze for your reward! muah!

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