Mu Yue was very satisfied with the look in the eyes of these mercenaries, controlled the internal Qi in his body, shook out, and shook off the bullets that had originally been floating around him.

"Swish swish!"

"Puff puff!"

The bullet returned the same way, and whoever fired the bullet was directly returned to their owner.

The mercenaries who fired were not directly hit by Mu Yue's bullet. The bullet's chest tightness directly caused them to fly upside down and hit the ground fiercely. Blood was splashed in the place where the bullet hurt.

And Mu Yue didn't solve their lives directly with bullets, but hit them in non-critical parts, making them unable to escape.

They killed their own people, killed innocent drivers, death is the best relief for them, she wouldn't just kill them like this.

In an instant, following Mu Yue's three shots, the number of seventeen mercenaries who originally surrounded her was missing twelve. Only five were still standing, and the rest fell to the ground, wailing in pain.

Moreover, even if they were able to get up, they were reluctant to get up. They were really scared to get up by Mu Yue's magical methods.

Mu Yue looked at the standing head Dominique Du Maurier and the other five people, and said coldly, "How are you going to die?"

Hearing Mu Yue's question, Dominique Du Maurier's body trembled fiercely, and his voice was a little trembling, "Mu...Miss Mu, we have something to discuss!"

Now, Dominic is really afraid, afraid of Mu Yue, a woman like a god.

No wonder so many rich people want to win her over. She must be a god, otherwise, why can he treat terminal illnesses and perform such miracles.

Even if they were atheists, they couldn't help but believe in the existence of God.

"Ha ha ha, good discussion?" Mu Yue looked at Dominique Du Maurit coldly and nodded, "Yes, unless you can send my driver to me intact, just to be alive and well. Otherwise, you are not the only ones present, even your foreign companions, I will not let it go!"

Mu Yue's words made Dominique Du Moliere and everyone in the Anaconda Mercenary Group chills, and layers of fine cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

They discovered for the first time that they were so close to death, even on the battlefield, they had never felt it, but today they felt it from Mu Yue.

What she said made their hearts tremble unconsciously.

Dominique Du Maurier's teeth trembled a little, and asked Mu Yue, "Who are you on earth?"

He wants to know who this woman is, why is it so different, and why is it so powerful!

Mu Yue looked at Dominique Du Maurit with playful eyes, "In your hearts, don't you already know it? Hahaha, I am a god, a **** you can never reach! And you rubbish, If you dare to be right with God, then you should be ready to go to hell!"

Everyone in the Anaconda Mercenary Corps, including those who fell on the ground and in the car, trembled fiercely, staring at Mu Yue.

It seems that they believed Mu Yue's words and believed that Mu Yue was God.

And they are also unable to refute that in front of God, they are the concept of rubbish.

"How is it possible! Impossible, this is not true, there is no **** in this world!"

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