Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4299: Old Davis is furious 2

Josephus has been actively waiting for Dominique Du Maurit's call to know whether the matter was successful.

Because he and the people in the Anaconda Mercenary Corps didn't know when Mu Yue would leave the Chinese Medicine Hospital, only that it would be at three or four in the afternoon.

Therefore, although Josephus had been waiting for the call, he was not in a hurry to make the call. This matter must wait for Mu Yue to get the bait before it can proceed.

However, after Mu Yue solved the Anaconda mercenary group, he handed him over to Ye Tianming.

Mu Yue was embraced by Xiao Junyan and returned to Mu's house. Elder Mu immediately notified Mu Haihua, and Mu Haihua immediately notified Qiu Lianghui, who was the richest person.

The time spent in this, even the time Ye Tianming called the Secret Service to his side, and this also made Joseph not know, the things he didn't know, the rich people already knew.

The rich people immediately sent people to investigate after they knew it, and Ye Tianming slowly proceeded according to the plan. When he called Joseph, it was already a little late, and the rich people were about to find out who was behind the scenes.

Because of this, Ye Tianming had to wait for his own people to come to the hotel where Joseph was staying, and show him to prevent him from escaping.

Knowing that the person was already in place, Ye Tianming used Dominique Du Maurit's voice to inform Joseph.

Josephus was shocked and couldn't recover. He spent a lot of time back and forth. The rich have already investigated the matter and notified their subordinates to take action against Bosen Biotech.

So, counting the time, Old Davis knew the news that the rich had started on him just before Joseph called.

Those wealthy and capable people directly asked the bank to suspend Joseph's personal accounts and company accounts, and prohibit the use of the money inside.

This also made it impossible for old Davis to pay, and let him rescue his son, and he could only rely on Josephs himself.

"Father, I... what am I going to do? I can't die here!" Joseph only felt that his end had come.

He did the kind of thing that hurt Mu Yue, those people in China and the rich would never let him go, he would definitely die.

Old Davis closed his eyes and said, "The troubles I have caused, solve it by myself, I have no power to do it!"

After speaking, Old Davis hung up the phone directly.

When Joseph heard the busy tone on the phone, he sat on the ground even more decadently, with a deep despair on his face.

What Josephs didn't know was that just after the old Davis hung up his cell phone, the door of the villa was kicked open, and a group of people burst in from outside.

Old Davis saw the faces of those people and immediately shouted angrily, "What are you doing!"

He knows all these people and is very familiar with them. They are all shareholders of Bosen Biotech.

The other shareholders of Bosen Biotech were very panicked when they faced Bosen Biotech being attacked by so many large groups.

Originally, they didn't know what happened, which caused these group companies to attack them.

Because their company is too weak in their eyes, like mosquitoes, it is impossible to target them for no reason.

Under investigation, it was discovered that Josephus had sent an anaconda mercenary group to capture Mu Yue, causing Mu Yue to be seriously injured, and finally provoking the anger of the wealthy who were being treated by Mu Yue.

Only now will the big crisis of Bosen Biotech happen.

After knowing the reason, they all came to Old Davis's place, looking for Old Davis to settle accounts.

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