Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4318: Started to follow suit 3

From the outside world, Mu Yue's news has never been interrupted.

Especially on, there are various news coming out every day, even if you don’t want to pay attention to it!

The entire China, from province to city, as long as there is a TV at home, there are news reports of this kind.

"Yuego? And this one?"

"Do you buy something online? It looks amazing? But how do you buy this?"

"You don't know this! As long as you have a computer and internet, you can apply for an account and bind a bank card, and you can send it home directly!"

"This cartoon is well done!"

All the people in front of the TV watch the cartoons in the news.

This is the cartoon that Mu Yue asked that to make, so that people can understand how to do it in an instant.

At the end of the cartoon, the host sitting in front of the TV introduced the audience in front of the TV in a calm tone.

"The emergence of proves that Huaxia Kingdom has opened up an Internet era, and is also a pioneer and pioneer on the Internet! It is also the world's first shopping site with complete items."

"China's network is developing, and network commerce is developing vigorously..."

"Whether can change the shopping status of the people of China, let us wait and see!"

Each host talked about their expectations for

The viewers in front of the TV were all curious about watching the Internet and computers at home. They all let people who know computers at home turn on their computers and go to see what

The old people who know how to plan carefully have already started to calculate, especially for the things that usually need to go to the supermarket to buy, write down the price, how much is the cheapest time, and compare the two, which is the cheapest and which is the best.

Old man, even a dime must be considered clear.

On the other hand, with the emergence of online shopping websites, college majors such as computer science have instantly attracted the attention of many college entrance examination candidates.

And those college students who are about to graduate are being scrambled by major companies one after another. This year, a state of demand for college students is in short supply.

It's a pity that they have been recruited by Mu Yue's company a long time ago. They can only eat some leftovers, but they are also quite a lot.

In response to this situation, many universities plan to recruit students for the new term, adding one more computer class.

"I really didn't expect that the emergence of has given so many college students so many jobs!"

"Yes, it seems that I still have to let my children study the Internet and other majors in the future!"

"I just don't know what will happen to this entity's business after the development of this online business!"

"Yeah, no one wants to buy it in a physical store, right?"

"Who knows, as long as you can buy the cheapest thing first!"

"Yeah, I heard that it will be very cheap the first day, and it will be very cheap the previous week. If you buy more when it is the cheapest now, you can save some money in the future!"

Ever since, when everyone is okay, they will talk about this

Discussing the contents of, and seeing that the original price of Mu Yue’s own company’s products has been uploaded, and there is a discounted price with a question mark behind it. Everyone is looking forward to it.

This has also led to the fact that the business in the physical store is a bit bleak, and everyone is waiting for the opening of!

Mu Yue had already expected this, and she could also take advantage of this opportunity to stock up more.

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