Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4322: Nangong Lin Feng is Coming 1

Early the next morning, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan took the little buns to Mu's house.

"You are here!" Nangong Yuehua said with a smile, "Wait for a while, let's go there together!"

Mu Yue nodded and asked with concern, "Mom, where does Grandpa live, have you arranged it?"

"Well, it has been arranged to live in our own Nangong family's yard in the capital!" Nangong Yuehua nodded and said with a smile, "I lived there before!"

"Really? I haven't seen it yet!" Mu Yue said curiously after hearing it.

Nangong Yuehua said with a smile, "I can go there often in the future. It's a courtyard house in the capital!"

With the abilities of the Nangong family, it is very easy to build such a courtyard in the capital.

As the former head of the Nangong family, Nangong Linfeng is very suitable to live in this courtyard.

Mu Yue said again, "Jun Yan's master will also follow Grandpa, but Jun Yan arranged for Master to live with us!"

"Well, just do what you see!" Nangong Yuehua nodded.

If it wasn't for the old man Mu in this family, it would be inappropriate for Nangong Linfeng to live in, and he would also like to let his father live with him.

Elder Mu is still a little dissatisfied with the Nangong family. He even prevented his son and his wife from being together, and made Mu Yue suffer so much.

Therefore, Nangong Linfeng can only be arranged in the courtyard of the Nangong family in the capital, and I believe my father will not be angry.

"Wait a minute, we will pick up your grandfather and Master Han Tao!" Nangong Yuehua said with concern, "Sit down and rest here now!"

Mu Yue nodded, sat on the sofa, and put her arms around the arm of Old Man Mu who had a slightly smelly face, "Grandpa!"

Elder Mu patted the back of Mu Yue's hand and snorted coldly, "That old fellow, it's noisy when you come out! I want you to pick it up so grandly!"

"Hehehe, I know Grandpa you love me the most!" Mu Yue said with a smile and flattered Mr. Mu.

She knew that the old man Mu had a stinky face and he must be concerned about her, because the Nangong family had prevented her from being lost since childhood and was unable to reunite with her family, so she still hated the Nangong family, including Nangong Linfeng.

Elder Mu sighed, rejoicing and resolutely said, "Fortunately you are back now, otherwise, I would never have the Nangong family, let alone let them step into our Mu family! Moreover, they let you suffer before. After so much suffering, I also want to help you find your grandfather theoretically, and let them compensate you for your losses over the years!"

Nangong Yuehua is his daughter-in-law, and he is also very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, but he is really upset about her natal family.

How much they looked down on their Mu family and ruined his youngest son's family. This was the last thing his old man could not calm his anger.

"I knew Grandpa you are the best!" Mu Yue smiled and continued flattering, and said gratefully.

Mr. Mu really loves her granddaughter and thinks so much for her.

Mr. Mu, who was flattered by Mu Yue, showed a smile on his face and said happily, "That is, Grandpa is naturally the best for you!"

To compensate for the loss, she really forgot. She asked the Nangong family for what she wanted. She only asked for the Shangguan family, forgetting the Nangong family.

She doesn't want it, but Elder Mu wants it!

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