Nangong Linfeng glanced around, regretting that there is no place for him to live here, indicating that he wants to live too!

Nangong Yuehua smiled and said to Nangong Linfeng, "Dad, what do you think of Yue'er this house?"

"Well, it's very good, I think I want to live here!" Nangong Linfeng said with a smile.

Nangong Yuehua smiled and said, "Hehe, I will live first, but I was afraid that it would disturb the two-person world of these two children, so I didn't have this idea!"

Originally, Mu Haixuan was here to live, so he was afraid that Xiao Junyan would do something to Mu Yue.

However, she was blocked by her. On the contrary, she felt that it was normal for two people who loved each other to do some things.

Mu Haixuan blocked it, but it was not good, so he didn't come to live with him.

Moreover, she also wanted Mu Yue to give them more cute children to bring to her.

When Nangong Linfeng heard this, he nodded clearly, "That's what I said!"

Since Nangong Yuehua had already said that, he couldn't say much, I believe Han Tao won't stay here long.

He can't live, and Han Tao won't stay here for long. He must have a good relationship with Xiao Baozi at this time!

"Dad, you can come often in the future! The father-in-law did not deliberately target you before, he just loves Yue'er. He has suffered a lot since he was a child, so he said those things!" Nangong Yuehua smiled. Said to Nangong Linfeng.

Nangong Linfeng waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I know, after all, this matter is also our Nangong family's fault online, and I'm sorry you and Yue'er!"

"No wonder Dad is responsible for this incident. In fact, it was caused by myself!" Nangong Yuehua sighed deeply, "If it weren't for me to let Dad take them back to the Nangong family, and let you marry her, Instead, it caused such a thing to happen. It is my fault to say the wrong thing!"

Nangong Wanting was the one who got the Nangong family. They didn't know the kindness to repay, but they prevented her family from being reunited. She felt most guilty.

She also didn't expect that her kindness was exchanged for her own catastrophe, perhaps, this was her destiny!

Or maybe she failed Shangguanxiang, which caused her to suffer so much.

Nangong Linfeng patted Nangong Yuehua’s shoulder, and said comfortingly, “Okay, don’t be sad. This matter, to be wrong, is not us, but Nangong Wanting and Qian Lejun. We helped them. They don’t know how to be grateful, and instead do something that hurts us!"

Perhaps, he should want to open a little bit. Without them, there would be no Mu Yue who makes them proud now, and it would be a good result.

"Yeah!" Nangong Yuehua nodded gently, and said with a smile, "As long as Brother Xuan and the others can be together, all the suffering has passed, and now I don't think about it!"

As long as she can be with Mu Haixuan, with her daughter Mu Yue, and seeing her also happy, she is already content.

"I will come this time. I'm here to help you see the date, so that you and Mu Haixuan will get married as soon as possible!" Nangong Linfeng comforted Nangong Yuehua and said, "Lest outsiders think you two are still paying If you don’t get married, your name is not right!"

"Yeah!" Nangong Yuehua nodded with a smile.

Although they are married in the ancient martial world, people in the secular world still don't know it!

Even though she already has a daughter, Mu Yue, she still can't resist everyone saying something unpleasant in private, which will affect the reputation of the Mu family.

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