Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4332: Master, catch the wolf 2

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan passed a lunch break in comfort.

When I woke up, I heard bursts of clear laughter from the child in the next room, which seemed very happy.

"The little bun is really noisy!" Mu Yue couldn't help laughing and said.

Xiao Junyan nodded and said, "Well, Master, he likes it too, don't worry!"

Now, the master definitely has an apprentice, and he has forgotten his apprentice.

Mu Yue grinned, turned over and lay on Xiao Junyan's chest, and asked with a smile, "Are you jealous? I feel that the master does not love you, but instead loves your son! And help! With your son to bully you!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue with a sly smile, and suddenly turned over, pressed Mu Yue under her body, lowered her head and dropped a kiss on her forehead, and said, "As long as you love me more than my son , Don't care about anything!"

For him, others treat his son better than him. He doesn't care, but the only difference is that Mu Yue can't be like them, he must be put first.

Mu Yue blinked and looked at Xiao Junyan with a smile, "This is different. My son is a piece of meat that fell from me, so I love it naturally!"

Xiao Junyan frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with what Mu Yue said, and asked, "Then what about me? What am I?"

The son is a piece of meat that fell from her, what about him? What kind of?

Mu Yue tilted his head slightly and smiled, and said with a smile, "Well, what is this? Don't you men say that women are like clothes and brothers are like brothers? We women are the same, men are like clothes, sisters are like hands... Damn!"

Before she finished speaking, Mu Yue felt a bite on her shoulder, which made her scream in pain.

Xiao Junyan raised his head and stared at Mu Yue with pitch-black eyes, his tone threatening, "What is it?"

Mu Yue smiled happily, feeling the pain still coming from her shoulder, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Hehe, naturally it is the heart. Without you, my heart can't beat anymore, and my heart is already You’ve taken it all up, and there’s no room for anyone, not even a son!"

This man is getting harder and harder to serve.

When Xiao Junyan heard Mu Yue's words, his handsome face showed a satisfied smile, and he lowered his head and kissed Mu Yue's forehead, "I am very satisfied with your answer!"

Mu Yue rolled her eyes at Xiao Junyan angrily, and said, "You are really getting more and more naive! You are the king of soldiers, I think you are the king of children!"

Xiao Junyan smiled softly, "Only act like a baby to you, and only be your king of children!"

"Go on one side!" Xiao Junyan, who was disgusted by Mu Yue, pushed him away.

However, Xiao Junyan lowered his head and kissed her moisturizing lips, trying to melt her into his body.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a small figure appeared at the door. Seeing the situation in the room, a childish voice came into the ears of the two, "There is a pervert! Catch the pervert!"

Han Tao looked at Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan on the bed. Hearing Xiao Baozi's cry, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

satyr? Who is this talking about? Are you talking about him?

They are well-justified couples. It's a matter of course to do this kind of thing, right?

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