When the two-person world of Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue ended, they returned to the Taoist temple on the mountain.

When I returned to the Taoist temple, the sky was already dark.

The little bun hasn't fallen asleep yet. At this moment, he is propping up his small chin, looking at the road down the mountain, with an aggrieved look on his small face, "Why isn't mom here yet!"

Han Tao beside him smiled and touched Xiao Baozi's head, "Hahaha, Xiao Baozi, don't worry, I'll be here soon!"

The little bun leaned against Han Tao's leg, and said in a sobbing voice, "Doesn't the mother want the baby anymore? The baby is obviously very good!"

"Hehehe, she's very good. Your mother loves you the most and loves you the most, so why would she not want you?" Han Tao smiled slightly and said to the little bun.

Little Bun nodded his little head, "Well, mom loves babies the most!"

Han Tao glanced at the foot of the mountain with a smile, and said, "Little bun, look, who's here!"

The little bun was taken aback, turned his head to look at the foot of the mountain, and as expected, he saw Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan coming up the mountain hand in hand.

Mu Yue held Xiao Junyan's arm and was a little surprised when she saw the person at the gate of Taoist Temple, "Master, little bun?"

After seeing the person clearly, Mu Yue quickly let go of Xiao Junyan and ran up quickly.

Seeing Mu Yue's arrival, the little bun suddenly showed a big smile on his small face, opened his arms, and exclaimed, "Mom..."

Mu Yue smiled and walked up quickly, took the little bun in her arms, and said softly, "Little bun, why are you here?"

"Wait for mother!" Xiao Baozi rubbed Mu Yue's cheek with his little face, and said with a bright smile.

Xiao Junyan also walked up and asked Han Tao, "Master, why are you here?"

Han Tao smiled with his hands on his stomach and back, and said, "Naturally, I am waiting for you, Xiao Baozi wants his mother!"

"The stinky boy knows to stick to his mother!" Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue disgustingly.

The little bun held his small fist and stared at Xiao Junyan fiercely, "The baby is a good baby, not a stinky kid!"

Mu Yue laughed out loud, "I care about my son, I really don't know how you are a father!"

Xiao Junyan put his arms around Mu Yue's shoulders and said, "Then go to sleep here today, and play here with the little bun tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded in agreement and laughed.

Since we are playing, consider this trip as a family trip of three, which is also not bad!

Han Tao said with a smile, "Then, Xiao Baozi will sleep with you today!"

"Feeling with mom!" Xiao Baozi heard it, and suddenly squeezed his little fist excitedly, and cried.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded a little bun's nose, and said dozingly, "You! It's getting more and more naughty!"

"Hehehe!" The little bun shook his head happily, leaning against Mu Yue's arms.

At the step of SAIC, Xiao Junyan took the little bun in his arms and said, "Go, Dad will take you to take a bath. Your mother is very tired today. Don't disturb your mother!"

The little bun was lying on Xiao Junyan's shoulder, his mouth pouted, and he looked at Mu Yue aggrievedly at the back, and waved his little hand, "Mom!"

"No hurry, mom is here!" Mu Yue smiled and waved to the little bun, then turned to Han Tao and said, "Master, thank you for helping to take care of the little bun!"

Han Tao smiled and waved his hand and said, "Hehe, taking care of the little bun is my happiest one, not tired!"

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