Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4358: Shift shift, send wife to school 1

After Mu Yue showed all the patients on the list, she was relieved. After setting up these patients, Mu Yue went to Longteng Group.

When Mo Lieye saw Mu Yue's arrival, his face showed a bright smile, "Mu Dong, have all the patients in the hospital finished reading?"

"Well, for the time being, I have read all the new patients!" Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile, "How is the company's situation recently?"

Mo Lieye gave a thumbs up and said, "Okay, of course it is very good. Good can't be better! It's just that everyone is too busy!"

Mu Yue nodded gently, and said with a smile, "Well, I know everyone is tired. Don't save the spirit tea I stay in the company. Make some for everyone to drink!"

"Hey, do you still need to talk about it?" Mo Lieye laughed and said, "I give them a soak every day! It is estimated that only the people of Longteng Group are luxurious enough, and they can't buy it. Yeah!"

Just for this spiritual tea, many people feel that it doesn't matter if they are tired in the Longteng Group. Moreover, the Longteng Group's salary is high and the benefits are good, and they don't want to change jobs.

After all, this spiritual tea is still not available to some rich people who want to buy it, and their Longteng Group also provides these spiritual teas to their employees every day, and they drink unlimited amounts at the company every day.

Of course, the tea leaves of Lingcha cannot be taken home, unless you take the teapot and pour the remaining cup of tea back home.

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded and said to Mo Lieye, "By the way, how are the preparations for the trial operation on March 8th?"

"All the goods have arrived, and everything is on the shelves one after another. It is predicted that all the things will be available before the 8th of next month!" Mo Lieye reported.

Mu Yue nodded lightly, and said with a smile, "Well! Anyway, it's okay to do it within the planned time!"

"Okay!" Mo Lie nodded and handed a document to Mu Yue, and said, "Mu Dong, this is a document from the China Merchants Association, look at it!"

Mu Yue took the folder and looked at the contents carefully.

She is from the future after all. Mu Yue still knows about the problems of the future online store, especially the fraud and poor quality, which is the top priority.

It is impossible for her own company to have such a situation, nor does it allow such a thing to happen.

"Those quality issues, they should be aware of it?" Mu Yue asked Mo Lieye.

Mo Lieye laughed, "Knowing that Dong Mu, you don’t have time to watch the news, I will report to you. At the China Merchants Conference, I specifically talked to the bosses of each company about this aspect! Moreover, those reporters also With records, we will never let this happen!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded in satisfaction, "However, sometimes, it is still not to be underestimated. You will need to check regularly in the future. You should also inform all the employees of Longteng Group if they buy in these stores. Things, if you find quality problems, you can report them!"

When Mo Lieye heard this, he smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

Mu Yue, this is the equivalent of letting his employees be a mouse for experimentation, but I believe everyone is very happy.

If there is a problem, the boss and the company can help solve it directly, and only the employees of the Longteng Group can do this.

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