Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4361: Mom is going to school 1

In the morning, Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue brought the little buns to Mu's house.

Xiao Junyan put the little bun on the ground at once, clinging to Mu Yue, and looking up at her with his little head up, tears in his eyes, "The baby is going too!"

Before my mother said that he was going to school, he didn't understand what it was to go to school.

Then, he asked his aunt and them, saying that going to school is fun, and he also wants to play.

"Little bun is obedient, mother didn't go to play!" Mu Yue reluctantly touched the head of the little bun, and persuaded him dozingly.

The little bun said in disbelief, "No, my aunt said that going to school is fun, and the baby has to go too!"

When Mu Yue heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry, and knelt down, "Little bun, your aunt lied to you!"

Now he understands, it turns out that someone secretly told Xiao Baozi about going to school, and he said that going to school is fun!

It is estimated that Xiao Baozi believes that going to school is fun, so he wants to follow her to school so hard.

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and frowned. It's normal for his husband to send his wife to school, but what a thing is that his son sends his mother to school!

"Yu'er, you have to be good, you didn't promise to be good, why do you regret it again!" Xiao Junyan said to the little bun with dissatisfaction.

The little bun pouted his little mouth, glanced at his bad father disgustingly, then looked up at Mu Yue, screaming, "Mom!"

"Little bun, be good!" Mu Yue reluctantly touched Xiao Baozi's head.

Nangong Yuehua came over and brought the little bun to Bara from Mu Yue's lap, smiled and comforted him, "Little bun, you are going to school, in a few years, grandma will send you there, okay?"

The little bun bulged his mouth and said aggrievedly, "Just stay with my mother!"

He shouldn't go to any school without a mother. He wants to go to school with his mother. This is fun!

Nangong Yuehua was a little bit dumbfounded when she heard it. She had never studied when she was a child. She had always been in her own family. There were teachers who came to teach her, but she did not go to any school.

Although I don't understand, since I'm living in the secular world, Nangong Yuehua still knows a lot about foreign affairs, especially when children go to school.

"Little bun, dear, today my mother will be back soon, not going to school, just going to school to report, it is very noisy, and very messy, when it calms down in the future, I will take you there again, okay?" Discussed and asked the little bun.

The little bun twisted his body, trying to escape Nangong Yuehua, "Don't don't, I want my mother, I want to be with my mother!"

Mu Yue leaned against Xiao Junyan's arms, and looked at the noise of the little bun, only to feel a little headache.

"Let's go, don't worry about him, you will settle down soon!" Xiao Junyan put his arms around Mu Yue's shoulders and said comfortingly.

Mu Yue could only nod her head and waved at the little bun, "Little bun, behave, you know? If the little bun is behaved, mother will bring the little bun to school in the future, okay?"

"Okay!" When the little bun heard this, he immediately stopped making noises, nodded obediently, and waved to Mu Yue with his little hand, "Goodbye mom!"

"Really good!" Seeing the little buns so well-behaved, Mu Yue also smiled, and left Mu's house with Xiao Junyan.

Nangong Yuehua smiled and said to the little bun, "Walk around, grandma teaches you first, okay?"

"Yeah!" The little bun nodded obediently, and excitedly grabbed Nangong Yuehua's little! "

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