Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4366: Cooperate with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 3

Gao Wenbin knocked on the door of the room, Shen Guoxiong inside was a bit strange, who would come over at this time?

When Shen Guoxiong was puzzled, the door opened, and Gao Wenbin walked in from the outside with a smile, "Old Shen, I heard you have a guest here!"

When Shen Guoxiong saw Gao Wenbin, a look of sorrow flashed across his face, and he said without a smile, "Yes, it is indeed a guest, and he is still a distinguished guest!"

How could he not know why Gao Wenbin was here? He probably knew that Mu Yue was here, so he came.

Mu Yue looked at Gao Wenbin who came in, but hadn't seen him, and didn't take the initiative to say hello.

Gao Wenbin saw Mu Yue with a bright smile on his face, as expected, it was the same as in the photo, but the real person was more beautiful and brighter than the photo!

"Old Shen, why don't you give us an introduction!" Gao Wenbin said to Shen Guoxiong with a smile.

When Shen Guoxiong heard Gao Wenbin's words, he cursed in his heart, you have already come, do you need me to introduce you?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Shen Guoxiong introduced to Mu Yue with a smile, "Mu Yue, let me introduce to you, this is the dean of the Western Medical College of Beijing University, Gao Wenbin!"

Mu Yue heard that the other party was Gao Wenbin, the dean of the Western Medical College of Beijing University, got up from the sofa and shook hands with him, "Dean Gao, hello!"

Gao Wenbin smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Miss Mu, your name has long been mystical. I have long wanted to meet the legendary Miss Mu, but I have never had a chance. Seeing you today is indeed a well-deserved reputation!"

When talking, Gao Wenbin's hand holding Mu Yue never let go, and this naturally ushered in Xiao Junyan's cold eyes, making his subconscious body shiver.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, took out her hand without a trace, and said, "Thank you, Dean Gao for the praise!"

"Hehe, I'm telling the truth!" Gao Wenbin said with a smile.

Regarding Mu Yue's ability, even if he was the dean of the Western Medical College, he couldn't be convinced, and he had to admit that he was not as good as such a yellow-haired girl.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, and said nothing more.

She didn't know what Gao Wenbin was doing here, presumably it was for her.

That being the case, she didn't need to talk to him more, just waited for the other person to speak first.

Gao Wenbin looked at Mu Yue with a smile and asked, "Miss Mu is coming to school?"

Calculating the time, he felt that it was indeed time for Mu Yue to come to school, so he asked.

In fact, he was very unwilling to accept it. Mu Yue came to Shen Guotao for work.

Mu Yue nodded with a smile, and said, "Well, that's it!"

Shen Guoxiong laughed, and deliberately said with a somewhat triumphant tone, "Yes, Mu Yue is not only coming to school, but also intends to cooperate with our Chinese Medicine Hospital to let Longteng Group accept some of our Chinese Medicine College students who are about to graduate!"

The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the College of Western Medicine in Beijing University can be said to be fighting over and under.

Because of the emergence of Mu Yue, last year's enrollment of the Chinese Medicine School of Medicine unexpectedly surpassed that of the Western Medicine School, which made Gao Wenbin feel uncomfortable not to mention it.

Therefore, at this time, Shen Guoxiong also deliberately mentioned the cooperation between the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Longteng Group.

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