Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4375: Friends school meeting 3

Mu Yue shook his head and said, "The child is naturally handed over to my mother and Jun Yan's mother to take the child!"

When An Ziyun heard this, she looked regretful, and said with great regret, "Well, if the little bun also came, that would be great, it must be fun!"

"Yeah, mother and child go to school together, hehe, this must be a good story!" Mu Zhitong also squinted and said with a grin.

Mu Yue shook his head and said jokingly, "Don't talk nonsense, it's impossible for a little bun to come, he is here, and his enthusiasm, it is estimated that he will be able to lift the whole school!"

"Hey, it's okay, you have money, even if the school has been lifted, you can rebuild it, you can't do it!" Su Yunxi raised her eyebrows towards Mu Yue with a smile, and said with a stir.

He was also looking forward to it. The situation where the little bun came to school and fell out of the school was definitely fun.

"Don't think about it, even if it is I think, parents and others will not allow it, you should die of this heart!" Mu Yue said with certainty.

An Ziyun sighed very regretfully, "Oh! Alright!"

Ouyang Mengxi asked Mu Yue caringly, "By the way, Mu Yue, are you done with everything?"

Mu Yue shook his head gently, and said, "Not yet, but it's not an important thing. The company has always been in a state of throwing hands away. As for those patients, I only need to go back to the clinic after a while. There is nothing to be busy with!"

"Hehehehe, you are really busy!" An Ziyun said at Mu Yue's admiring eyes.

Yan Yu sighed, "My father told me about you when I go back to the New Year this year. Let me learn more from you and be friends with you. It is also a very troublesome thing, Alexander!"

"Yeah!" Yuan Xiao said in agreement, "Now whether it is domestic or foreign, your company already has a pivotal position, and I can't match it!"

He had always wanted to chase Mu Yue, but the more he chased, the more he realized that he was less and less able to match Mu Yue, she was too difficult to chase.

Perhaps, only someone like Xiao Junyan can be worthy of Mu Yue!

Yu Yunxuan also agrees very much with Yuan Xiao's words, "No one in the courtyard of the capital does not admire you, but hehe, those three generations are very dissatisfied with you, you put them too much pressure! "

"That is, don't look at who our Mu Yue is, how can they be compared, they can only worship!" Mu Zhitong said proudly after hearing it.

Qiao Mobai pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said, "Mu Yue's achievements, we can only look at them, we can't compare them!"

"That's right!" Xiang Tianhe slapped Qiao Mobai's shoulder and said, "It can't be compared, otherwise, it can definitely make people half mad!"

Mu Yue's medical skills are already the highest in the world. Those terminally ill can be cured by Mu Yue's hands, contemporary genius doctors!

They all watched Mu Yue grow up slowly, and they all admired her with her current achievements.

Even without the existence of the Mu family, Mu Yue can still have the current achievements, but it will be slow for a while.

Mu Yue touched his nose nonchalantly. After being praised by everyone, his face was a little red, and he hurriedly made excuses, "Well, don’t talk about me, let’s eat first! I’ve been busy all morning and starved to death. Up!"

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