Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4399: Western medicine students come to the door 3

Mu Yue spread his hands and said innocently, "However, my pharmaceutical company only produces Chinese medicine, not Western medicine! So, what do I want you to use?"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, the students around who were not majoring in Western medicine laughed and nodded secretly.

Indeed, people only produce traditional Chinese medicine, not Western medicine. What use are they Western medicine?

These western medical students are a little dissatisfied and unwilling.

"But, since you are starting a company, you always have to research new drugs. Don't you often release new drugs? We can research new drugs!" A student of Western medicine said to Mu Yue.

"Yes, yes! We can help the company research new drugs!"

Mu Yue looked at the upright and confident appearance of these students, and was amused for a while, "I'm really sorry, my company does not research western medicine, only Chinese medicine!"

"Then you are not discriminating against Western medicine, Western medicine!"

"That's right, why only study Chinese medicine and not Western medicine!"

When the students of western medicine heard it, they started to yell again, chuckled lightly, and said mockingly, "I have all the prescriptions of Chinese medicine at hand, why bother to spend money on researching indispensable western medicine? You are stupid. Or am I stupid?"


"That's it! Why do people waste money!"

"What's wrong with Western medicine? People already have the formula of Chinese medicine on hand. As long as you study it a little bit, you can come up with new products. The cost is less than your **** Western medicine!"

The students watching the theater around all opened their mouths, gloating and talking.

The students of the Western Medical School were told by the surrounding students who watched the theater. They only felt very embarrassed, their faces were hot, and they only felt ashamed.

If this face is lost, they have to get their face back.

Many western medical students discriminate against Chinese medicine, look down on Chinese medicine, and feel that Chinese medicine is pseudoscience. It is their western medicine that can really cure diseases.

"I don't believe in Chinese medicine anyway, my grandfather used to believe in Chinese medicine and was cured by Chinese medicine!" A western medical student pointed at Mu Yue and shouted, "You should study western medicine, not Chinese medicine!"

Hearing what the western medical student said, they all nodded secretly, expressing their sympathy for the western medical student.

When Mu Yue heard what the western medicine student said, she sneered and looked at him mockingly, "Could it be that western medicine has never killed anyone? Don't tell me that there is no. If you say no, I can investigate clearly. How many people have been put to death by your western doctors!"

When the western medical student heard this, his face suddenly became a little ugly, constantly changing.

"Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, as long as it can cure diseases, it is good medical skills!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "And as a successor of Chinese medicine, I naturally want to make a name for Chinese medicine. You ask me to be a Chinese medicine practitioner not to support it. Isn’t it ridiculous that Chinese medicine supports Western medicine instead?”

After hearing Mu Yue's words, the students of the Western Medical College once again had no reason to refute.

"Now, Western medicine is the trend of medical development all over the world!"

"Western medicine is the best medical skill in the world, not traditional Chinese medicine that has fallen behind!"

They do not deny that the ancestors' traditional Chinese medicine can cure diseases, but they have to follow the trend!

Mu Yue snorted, "Really? Since Western medicine is the best medical technique in the world, why are those foreign patients not looking for Western medicine, but to me, and let me treat their illnesses with Chinese medicine?"

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