Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4408: I heard that Mu Yue is giving lecture 3

Unknowingly, the class was over, and everyone still listened with such gusto.

Mu Yue coughed when he heard the bell for the end of get out of class, and said, "Well, get out of class is over, I won't talk about it!"

"do not!"

"Yes, Mu Yue don't want to dismiss get out of class, we don't want to dismiss get out of class!"

"We still have to listen. You are so good, we have never heard of it!"

"That's right, as long as you continue to speak, we will definitely listen carefully!"

"Yes, I also think that after listening to what you said, I found that I have learned a lot about the basics of Chinese medicine that I didn't understand before. If you talk about it, maybe I can solve the puzzle!"

"Yes, that's right, Mu Yue, let me talk about it again. Your understanding of Chinese medicine is so thorough. Moreover, the explanation is too simple. It is easy to understand after we listen, so let's talk about it!"

All the students shouted over there.

At this moment, all the students who were listening below did not think that Mu Yue was a student like them, but a very knowledgeable teacher.

The ancient books mentioned by Guang Muyue, as well as various historical references from official history, can make them have a full understanding of Chinese medicine and make it easier to understand Chinese medicine, which is very difficult to understand.

The reason why Chinese medicine cannot be explained completely like Western medicine is because the world does not understand Chinese medicine, and even less the mysterious and mysterious things of Chinese medicine.

How can you let the students fully understand if you don't even study it thoroughly?

Therefore, this also makes it difficult for those teachers who are only half-hearted and the students who have been taught to be part of the half-hearted, and it is even more difficult to understand Chinese medicine.

And now, these students have asked Mu Yue to continue speaking because they can easily understand what Mu Yue said and have a strong interest in Chinese medicine.

There is nothing better than seeing the blue sky aside from the clouds and mist. They feel that way now.

Facing the enthusiasm of her classmates, Mu Yue was very helpless, and Xiang Tianhe also yelled, "Mu Yue, keep talking! Everyone likes it so much, then talk about it!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue sighed helplessly, and continued to explain to everyone.

During the short break, many students came out and wandered. When they saw the situation in this classroom, they all reached into their heads curiously, looked at the students, and then at Mu Yue.

Listening to Mu Yue talking about the basic understanding of Chinese medicine, extensive knowledge and strong knowledge, they all secretly admired them in their hearts. They stopped at the door and listened to Mu Yue's explanation of Chinese medicine.

Soon, in less than ten minutes, many students entered the classroom one after another, and even listened to Mu Yue's lecture.

Mu Yue also spoke very seriously. He didn't care about the extra people, and she also hoped that more people would like Chinese medicine.

Mu Yue explained traditional Chinese medicine from the deep to the deep, which made the students in other classes fascinated by it.

They never knew that Chinese medicine can still say that, and suddenly felt that Chinese medicine is not that difficult to understand!

And Liu Dong, who was sitting in the student seat, secretly sighed in his heart as he looked at the students who were listening carefully, as well as the students who had joined the seat.

He also did not expect that Mu Yue's lectures would be so popular with students, and he did not expect that Mu Yue's explanations were so simple and easy to understand. This is definitely the blessing of Chinese medicine!

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