Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4434: Company inspection work 2

Mu Yue walked to Mo Lieye's office, and Mu Yunqing, who was behind Mo Lieye, also followed in.

"Mu Dong, have a cup of tea first!" Mo Lieye smiled and poured a cup of spirit tea to Mu Yue, and said, "Now if you have you, we have always made spirit tea for the employees. Everyone is full of energy! "

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Well, this spiritual tea is also helpful to everyone's body, and it can supplement their work consumption!"

This spiritual tea does not consume the physical strength and energy of employees, but uses external force to supplement their energy needs and maintain the balance of energy consumed by the body. Only the balance of yin and yang can ensure the health of the body and ensure that it is full of energy.

"It seems that in the future, I have to find a way to grow Lingcha, and then sell it, so that all employees of our own company can use it!" Mu Yue tapped his finger on the tabletop lightly, and said thoughtfully.

"Then plant it!" Mo Lie said puzzledly, "Mu Dong, can't this spirit tea be grown in large quantities?"

Mu Yue nodded lightly, sighed helplessly, and said, "Yes, to grow spiritual tea, there are great requirements for the environment, soil quality, and water source, so that the spirit tea can be guaranteed to be so good. If these are not satisfied, it will reduce the effect of Lingcha, which violates my quality requirements. This is why I can't look at the planting!"

"This is indeed a very difficult thing to deal with!" Mo Lie nodded and said with a sigh, "I can't help you with this kind of thing, you can only study and study it!"

He didn't specialize in this kind of research, so he was really helpless.

"I will remember this matter too. When I am a little free, I will do more research, and I will always find it out!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "Let's talk about the company's affairs!"

Mo Lieye smiled and nodded, turned the papers on the table to Mu Yue, "Mu Dong can take a look!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, looked up at Mo Lieye, and said, "How are preparations for the trial business of Women's Day?"

"It's ready, the upload is almost complete, and the upload can be finished today!" Mo Lieye smiled and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded lightly, "Then wait for the trial operation this time, you can see how good the real business will be!"

"Well, Mu Dong, you can really test it out for the trial operation!" Mo Lieye said nervously, "I am actually a little worried about the situation in China!"

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Relax, this is a trend. Although Huaxia is still enjoying a good economy abroad, in the next few years, the development of Huaxia will get better and better. In the future, every household will have computers and mobile phones. , And even everyone can have a mobile phone!"

She was very firm about this, only for a few years.

After all, she was born again, knowing the future development trend and situation.

Although Mo Lieye was confident about online shopping, it was the first time he did it in China, and he was still worried.

Mu Yunqing asked Mu Yue in surprise, "Mu Dong, is this really the case?"

Mu Yue smiled and looked at Mu Yunqing, "Since you have chosen computer as a major, you should also hope that in the future, the computer industry will have a good development in the future. This is indeed the case. The country is also developing vigorously. With our help, it will definitely be better!"

"Well, this is the best!"

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