Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4438: Ask the master for help 3

Mu Yue handed the book on the formation technique to Dongfang Sheng, and said gratefully, "Master, I beg you!"

"Since I am your master, there are many things you will do in the future. Moreover, if you want to revitalize our Xuanyi School, you must also rely on you!" Dongfang Sheng said with a smile, "And the revitalization of the Xuanyi School still needs With financial support, the master can help you, but I still hope to help you more!"

He has run out of energy, he was not allowed at that time, but Mu Yue can now!

Now, if he can't do it, leave it to Mu Yue, but he can't put such a heavy burden on Mu Yue.

She is a woman, and she is only twenty-one years old, even if he wants to give this job to him, she has to bear with herself.

Now, Mu Yue is not only a student, but also the boss of a company, but also the mother of Xiao Baozi. He is busy with a lot of things every day, and there is not much time to study this formation.

Maybe in the future, Mu Yue will be able to study, but for them, it's still a bit slow, or they can do it now.

As for his master, there is only so much he can do now, hoping to help Mu Yue relieve some of his fatigue.

It can be regarded as the only thing he can do for Mu Yue.

"It is also my lifelong wish to revitalize the Xuanyi School!" Mu Yue said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "It's just that this task is a long way to go!"

"So, now that the master can do something, I naturally hope to do something for you. In the future, if you need a master, just speak up!" Dongfang Sheng said softly to Mu Yue, "The burden of revitalizing the mysterious doctor. Here you are, the master can't just watch!"

"Thank you, Master!" Mu Yue also laughed and said, "I believe that if this spiritual tea can be researched and then mass-produced, there will be enough funds to build the Chinese medicine school I dream of!"

Her is just the beginning, and the money earned from it is not enough to build a Chinese medicine school.

Therefore, she also has to find other ways to make more money.

This spirit tea is one of the best methods.

"Well, this task lies with the master!" Dongfang Sheng said to Mu Yue with satisfaction, "The master will help you complete this formation as soon as possible. When you have no time to arrange it, the master can help you arrange it!"

Mu Yue was even more grateful to Dongfang Sheng, "Okay! Thank you, Master!"

"You and my apprentice, why do you have to say thank you? Moreover, this was originally the responsibility of the master, but it has placed this burden on you. The master is also a little ashamed!" Dongfang Sheng shook his head and said guiltily.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Master, you are so old, it is time to take care of your life. I will do it, Master, don't have to worry about it!"

"Hehehe, I am relieved to have you!" Dongfang Sheng patted the back of Mu Yue's hand, "Well, if you still have things, just do your own thing. Just the formation. Leave it to me!"

"Okay, let's go first, and the little bun will come with Master Han Tao! You can take care of Master Lao!" Mu Yue said again before leaving.

Dongfang Sheng laughed, "Okay, just leave the little buns to the two of us. Go ahead and do whatever you want!"

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