Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4450: Trial Operation 3

Mo Lieye laughed when he heard the quotations from Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan.

"What's the matter?" Mu Yue asked inexplicably as she listened to Mo Lieye's laughter.

Mo Lieye explained with a smile, "It seems that Mu Dong, you are not so pretentious!"

"Is this quote wrong?" Mu Yue asked Mo Lieye curiously.

According to Mo Lieye's happy appearance, it should be higher than what they quoted?

Mo Lieye smiled and said, "Yeah, there is indeed a mistake. Up to now, it has reached 20 million. Hahaha, the number should be still rising now!"

When Mu Yue heard Mo Lieye's words, his face was shocked, and he raised his head to look at Xiao Junyan, "Twenty million, there are actually 20 million!"

"One hour is 20 million. It seems that in the evening, there will be a lot!" Xiao Junyan also laughed and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded gently, with a bright smile on her face, and said, "Yes, I just hope that the price can be a lot!"

Mo Lieye smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Haha, Mu Dong, so you can rest assured, I believe that the number of twenty-four hours will be very amazing!"

"Yeah, good!" Mu Yue nodded and said, "After an hour has passed, the speed will definitely slow down. The company doesn't have to spend all night, just some people go back. Although the website needs to be maintained, the staff still needs more rest!"

"Okay, I will arrange half of the employees to rest first!" Mo Lie nodded and said with a smile.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Okay, I won't say more, everything, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Mo Lieye hung up the phone and went to pass on Mu Yue's order.

"Mr Mo, how many are there already?"

Everyone looked at Mo Lieye expectantly and asked.

Mo Lieye laughed and said, "It's already more than 20 million, and now the amount is still rising!"

"Wow, it's more than 20 million!"

"Unexpectedly, there are already so many, I thought there was not much!"

"It seems that everyone is not without money!"

"I also saw the backstage, many of them are out of stock! They are out of stock in two or three minutes!"

"This speed is also very fast, it should be a lot of money!"

If the supply is sufficient, Mu Yue believes that the current amount will definitely increase, mainly because the inventory is still relatively small, not very large.

This is also to reduce some losses. After all, for the first time, the price is too low and the profit is too small, so the amount is not very large. The main thing is to increase some popularity.

Therefore, the current amount can be regarded as the minimum.

"Okay, Mu Dong said, today is almost the end, let some people go home first, and come back to work tomorrow morning to replace other employees!" Mo Lieye continued Mu Yue's order and said, "Let's arrange for each other! "


"Thank you, Mr. Mo, and thank Mu Dong! Long live Mu Dong!"

Everyone is excited to arrange, some people leave, some people stay.

Mo Lieye returned to the statistics studio with a smile with his hands on his belly and back with joy.

All-night events are still very common for them. Moreover, he also wants to see the 24-hour business situation. He has slept during the day and supplemented his sleep.

"Let's stay there, drink some tea by the way!" Mo Lieye smiled and said to Mu Yunqing and the others.

Su Mu also smiled and said, "I will be with you too, I also want to see the total amount of 24 hours!"

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