Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4463: Master Han enters the space 1

Mu Yue no longer pays attention to how big a sensation outside will cause, she only pays attention to her own formation and the situation of Lingcha seedlings.

He and Xiao Junyan have planted a lot of Lingcha seedlings in the space, and they can be sent to the planting base to plant them directly.

"I have planted a lot, but the amount is still not enough!" Mu Yue looked at the acres of Lingcha seedlings in front of him, wiped the sweat from his face, and said.

Xiao Junyan walked over and handed a cup of tea to her, "Even if the amount is not enough, it's okay. You can take your time, don't worry, you should take a break now!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, and took a few sips of spiritual tea in her cup, feeling comfortable all over, "I just want to plant some as soon as possible! See the situation, will it be the same as planting it in the space!" "

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Xiao Junyan wiped the sweat off Mu Yue's face with a tissue, and said, "It can't be the same as space, and it's okay. Didn't you set two levels? Our space produces the best Yes, only for their friends, the others can be sold outside, and after they buy the tea, they may not be able to brew all the effects of the tea, and it is the same now!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded in agreement with a smile, "You are right, anyway, I listen to you, then plant these spiritual tea seedlings first, let's go out first, I guess the sky is about to be measured!"

"You take a rest first!" Xiao Junyan said with concern.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, and went out of the space with Xiao Junyan, and lay down on the bed to take a rest.

It's just that Han Tao, who was accompanying the little bun, noticed the movement here and frowned. What's the matter with those two guys? Why do you have their breath again?

Mu Yue had space, only Master Dongfang Sheng knew the existence of space, Master Han Tao didn't.

Because Dongfang Sheng also knew that there was a Nuwa Stone, and he personally lifted it. Knowing that there would not be too much shock and surprise.

But Han Tao has never been in contact with these, so he has never told him.

Now I felt that Mu Yue and their breath disappeared in an instant, and then appeared again in an instant, which made him very curious and puzzled, what is going on.

In the morning, Xiao Junyan got up early and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When Han Tao got up holding the little bun, Mu Yue was already downstairs, putting breakfast on the table.

"Master, you are down!" Mu Yue said hello to Han Tao with a smile.

Han Tao smiled and nodded, "Well, you guys got up very early!"

"Get used to it!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

Xiao Junyan walked out carrying the leftovers and also helped Xiao Baozi's bowl and spoon.

Mu Yue was eating breakfast while feeding the little buns.

Han Tao thought for a while, raised his head and asked Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue, "Oh, by the way, where did you go last night? Why did your breath suddenly appear and disappear again?"

Hearing Han Tao's question, Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue both had a meal and gave each other a glance.

They seem to have forgotten that there is still a master in this family.

No wonder Han Tao is strange and puzzled. If the breath slowly disappears, it is normal to move away slowly, but it disappears all of a sudden, which really makes Han Tao suspicious.

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