Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4467: Make people love and hate 2

Not only foreign companies are negotiating about, but even domestic companies in China are also negotiating, especially companies that have signed up to establish their own stores on

Looking at those business magazines and newspapers, I can see a broader sales channel.

" is able to achieve such good results. It seems that if our company's products are placed on, the sales volume will definitely be not small!"

"It will be officially open on the 15th. It seems that our company is too late!"

" is about to officially open so soon, it is a pity that there is no way to engage in activities with!"

"I don't know how does it, it can have such a big influence!"

"Boss, our investment department conducts surveys and statistics, and also makes estimates for the future. Opening a store on will greatly help our company's future, and it will increase our company's future sales and increase revenue !"

"It is imperative to open a store on The online sales department must be established, and we must not lag behind Longteng Group too much!"

"The momentum of is good. We must take advantage of this momentum and set our company's goal for this year on!"

"Everything is based on, and the network marketing department must do a good job!"

The CEOs of these companies, after recommendations and recommendations from the Investment Department, accelerated the establishment of their own company's online sales department.

Whether it is product upload, pre-sales and after-sales customer service training, and warehouse delivery arrangements afterwards, it must be arranged to go online.

For this reason, the companies that have successfully registered and obtained store numbers have become busy again. Recruitment continues, and the division of labor and the establishment of departments continue.

The company that had no chance to be selected was originally dissatisfied with Mu Yue's demanding requirements, and secretly cursed Mu Yue's for unsuccessful.

However, looking at such a successful result now, they are all envy and jealousy.

Because of such a flaw, Mu Yue rejected them, which made them dissatisfied with Mu Yue, and only felt that Mu Yue looked down on them.

It's just the current situation, and their hearts are more or less regretful. Why didn't they get the store? Maybe the company's development will be even better in the future.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the situation on to be so good!"

"I really didn't expect that could do such a good job. Is it true that there are so many people in our country who can shop online?"

"It seems that we still knew too little about the economy of China in the past!"

"If you can successfully establish a store on, your future sales will definitely improve!"

"Mu Yue, Mu Yue, you really make people love and hate! Why are you so stubborn! Why do you have to be so pretentious?

They only felt that such a flaw was nothing, but Mu Yue cared so much that they lost a way to develop the company and increase the company's reputation.

I really love and hate Mu Yue. Love means that they also want to increase the company’s revenue. What I hate is that Mu Yue is demanding, so they can’t make money even if they want to make money. Earn more benefits.

Mu Yue's preoccupation became the direction for these rejected companies to complain about.

Some of these companies have tried to recover, and some have tried to find other ways.

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