Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4507: Invitation for parents 3

When Mu Yue came to the classroom, many classmates cried out in excitement when they saw it.

"Mu Yue is here, here comes!"

"My God, Mu Yue has finally come!"

"Is this Mu Yue? So beautiful!"

"My luck is so good, I finally waited until Mu Yue!"

"I saw Mu Yue for the first time. I didn't expect that the real Mu Yue was much more beautiful than the picture in class!"

"That is, otherwise, why would Mu Yue **** the first school flower from our school?"

"Finally, I'm waiting for Mu Yue, and I must let Mu Yue give us a lecture today!"

Seeing Mu Yue's appearance, all the classmates in the classroom were extremely excited and excited.

Xiang Tianhe followed Mu Yue and heard the yelling of the students in the classroom. He secretly smirked in his heart. Looking at Mu Yue, she didn't know how she planned to calm these people!

Mu Yue heard these students yelling excitedly, and seeing them almost flocking to her posture, it seemed that she had underestimated their expectations of herself!

"Everyone is quiet!" Mu Yue walked directly onto the podium, waved to everyone, and said.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, the originally excited classmates closed their mouths in excitement, for fear that they might noisy Mu Yue.

Looking at this posture, Xiang Tianhe couldn't help rolling his eyes, muttering in his mouth, "I guess the teacher is not as powerful as this girl!"

Mu Yue said in the expectation of everyone's gaze, "I know that many of the classmates here are here for me!"


"Mu Yue, your explanation of Chinese medicine is so simple and easy to understand, we still have to listen to your lecture!"

"Mu Yue, please tell us about Chinese medicine today!"

"Mu Yue, we are here for you, you must tell us about Chinese medicine!"

Everyone responded to Mu Yue's words one by one.

After listening to the students, Mu Yue sighed helplessly, "I know, everyone wants to learn Chinese medicine and learn about Chinese medicine! On behalf of Chinese medicine, I thank you for your enthusiasm!"

She didn't want to lecture, but it was a little troublesome.

Moreover, the master also asked her to go to school to learn from those old Chinese medicine doctors, hoping to get their understanding of Chinese medicine from their old Chinese medicine doctors, so that she can improve her skills in Chinese medicine.

"I'm sorry today, I can't give you a lecture!" Mu Yue said guiltily to the students present.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, everyone is very sorry.

Especially those students who came specifically for Mu Yue, they all hope that Mu Yue can teach them.

"No, Mu Yue, you have to teach us!"

"That's right, except for your class, I can't listen to any other classes!"

"Mu Yue, only the Chinese medicine you teach is the real way of Chinese medicine. I can't understand what other teachers are saying!"

"In order to be able to listen to your lectures, we gave up the usual rest time and came to your classroom specifically to wait for you!"

"Yes! Mu Yue, for the sake of our sincerity and persistence, please give us a lecture!"

"Mu Yue! Idol, please, we really want to learn Chinese medicine!"

When the students heard that Mu Yue wouldn't give them a lecture, they stopped doing it and screamed.

Xiang Tianhe chuckled, and he knew that it would be such a scene when Mu Yue refused to give a lecture, but he didn't know how Mu Yue would respond to them.

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