Mu Yue didn't understand the situation in Xiao Shufeng's family, and was even less interested in understanding.

Mu Yue returned home with the little bun, and Xiao Junyan went to give the little bun a bath.

"Little bun, your grandma will be back in a few days, isn't Gao unhappy?" Mu Yue smiled and said while helping Little Bun undress.

The little bun sitting on the bed shook his feet excitedly, "Happy! There are so many toys!"

After Mu Haixuan and Nangong Yuehua went out for their honeymoon, they really went crazy, and with the help of the courier company founded by Mu Yue, they sent home a lot of local strange things and toys to the little buns.

The little buns had a great time playing, and when they were on the phone, they asked them to bring more fun.

Nangong Yuehua's requirements for the little buns were naturally satisfied, and he played a lot of places and bought a lot of good things for the little buns.

Mu Yue was also helpless, but it was also happy to be able to let Nangong Yuehua and Mu Haixuan play for so long. I was really afraid that they would come back early because they missed the little bun.

After playing for almost a month, I am coming back.

"Tomorrow mom is going to school, dad is going to work, you have to listen to grandma's words, don't make trouble, you know?" Mu Yue smiled and touched Xiao Baozi's head and said.

"Yeah!" The little bun nodded his little head and grabbed Mu Yue's arm. "Mom, when will you be back!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "Mom has classes in the afternoon, so it won't be too early to come back!"

The little bun bulged his mouth, his eyes shone with a sly light, and nodded, "Oh!"

Xiao Junyan came out of the bathroom and took the little bun to take a bath.

After taking a bath for the little bun, Mu Yue also sorted out the books she would use for school tomorrow.

The little bun tilted his head and watched Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue go into the bathroom together, slid off the bed, ran to the side of the desk, climbed onto the stool, stood on the stool, looked left and right, and saw that the desk was folded. Little hand grabbed the class schedule, then got down on the stool, quickly ran to his little schoolbag and stuffed the schedule into it.

When Xiao Junyan came out of the bathroom, he saw the little bun sitting on the ground, stuffing something into his schoolbag.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Junyan asked as he walked over.

The little bun raised his head and looked at Xiao Junyan who was bowing his head, with a bright smile on his face, "Baobao!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at the little bun and stuffed the color-painted Compendium of Materia Medica he wanted to see into the bag, knowing that he was going to Xiao’s house with this book, but didn’t see the curricula that was stuffed into the Compendium of Materia Medica by the little bun. Instead, he nodded and said admiringly, "Well, recognize it!"

"Yeah!" The little bun held his little fist, "I want to help my mother!"

Xiao Junyan knelt down and touched Xiao Baozi's head, "Then study hard and don't let your mother down, you know?"

"Yeah!" The little bun nodded solemnly.

Xiao Junyan glanced at the schoolbag and asked, "Are you packed?"

"Yeah!" The little bun hurriedly zipped his little schoolbag, stretched out his hands, "hug!"

Xiao Junyan still showed face to the coquettish little bun this time and hugged him onto the bed, "Sleep well, your master has been sent to Kunlun during this time. When he comes back, you will study with your master, you know?"

Han Tao went back first because of some things in the sect. Now Tang Yalan will take care of the children, and Xiao Baozi's studies will take a short break!

"it is good!"

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