Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4627: Pleasant little buns 3

The little buns were loved by everyone, and some female soldiers brought their own candies and jelly to the little buns.

It's an excitement and pride to get a little bun that a girl likes.

The little bun put all the things he gave on the sofa, and spoke to Xiao Junyan in a desperate way, "Not to Dad!"

Xiao Junyan helped Xiao Baozi soak milk and handed it to Xiao Baozi, "Drink milk, and take a nap!"

The little bun bulged his mouth, but when he heard Xiao Junyan's words, he opened his mouth, yawned, and drank with the bottle in his arms.

Xiao Junyan took a folding bed and put it in his office, made a bed for Xiao Baozi, and let her sleep.

The little bun was holding the baby bottle, drinking the milk and was held in his arms by Xiao Junyan, and soon closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After Xiao Junyan calmed the little bun, he asked someone to come over to look at him, and went to the meeting by himself, and then went to the meeting while the little bun was taking a nap.

The little bun who took a nap, became energetic again, and wanted to run around.

However, Xiao Junyan was in a meeting and could only play by himself in the office, and did not run around.

When Xiao Junyan finished the meeting, Xiao Baozi dragged his father to take him out to play.

"Dad..." The little bun hugged Xiao Junyan's thigh, and the whole appearance was a koala.

Xiao Junyan glanced at his son disgustingly, "Okay, I'll take you there, hurry up and let go!"

"Oh!" The little bun listened, then let go of his hands with a smile, and jumped up excitedly.

Xiao Junyan brought the little bun to the training base and watched some soldiers training.

Many soldiers saw the little buns with curious expressions on their faces.

"Boss Xiao!" The non-commissioned officer who was checking the training of the soldiers saw Xiao Junyan and hurriedly saluted.

The little bun tilted his little head and waved his little hand at the non-commissioned officer, "Hello, uncle!"

The sergeant didn't see the little bun just now, but suddenly heard the little bun appear and greeted himself, a little surprised, "this...this is..."

Xiao Junyan glanced at the little bun and said, "My son, take him here today!"

"Hahaha, Boss Xiao, your son! It's so cute!" The sergeant said, surprised and curious.

The little bun turned his head and pointed at the soldiers who were training, and asked the non-commissioned officer, "Uncle, the baby wants to play too!"

The sergeant smiled and comforted the little bun, "No, kid, you are too young to play!"

The little bun turned his head and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Dad!"

"Go and play!" Xiao Junyan let go and said to the little bun.

Xiao Baozi cheered excitedly, stepped away from his short legs, and ran towards the training props.

Seeing the soldiers crawling on the net, the little bun was standing underneath. He looked at the uncles beside him, his face was curious, and he followed them to grab the net with his little hands and crawled on the net.

"Oh, be careful!" Seeing Xiao Baozi's behavior, the sergeant quickly turned his head to Xiao Junyan with a worried expression, "Boss Xiao,'s dangerous!"

He looked really worried and anxious, it was too dangerous.

Xiao Junyan said nonchalantly, "It's okay, don't worry!"

Sure enough, it wasn't the little buns who should worry about it, but the soldiers who were trained, who couldn't train well.

It was just that after being afraid twice, the little bun shook vigorously with excitement, making the soldiers who were crawling on the net a little unstable.

Those soldiers who were going to climb up, watched the little buns playing over there happily, they were dumbfounded, and worried!

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