Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4629: Urged to get married by subordinates 2

Seeing the little bun's behavior, Xiao Junyan could only sigh secretly, it seems that there is nothing that can make this stinky boy suffer.

Xiao Baozi was very excited about playing there, but he was stunned by the trained soldiers.

They suddenly feel that what they usually train is too bad? It's so hard for a little bun.

A group of soldiers scratched their heads, their faces were a bit fierce and painful.

They all said they were so stressed that they were no better than a little bun.

After playing around, the little buns are all dirty!

And also to play in the mud pit, if Xiao Junyan didn't scold him in time, it is estimated that this little guy is covered with mud.

The little bun had a lot of fun, and it was about four o'clock without realizing it.

Xiao Junyan helped Xiao Baozi change his clothes and let him rest before going home.

However, this was a rumor from the door that there was a person named Mu Yue looking for Xiao Junyan outside.

When the little bun heard this, he cried out in excitement, holding Xiao Junyan's hand very anxiously, "Mom...Mom is here!"

Xiao Junyan picked up the little bun with a smile, "Go, let's go see your mother!"

If holding the little bun, the speed would be slow, so Xiao Junyan ran out holding the little bun directly.

Xiao Junyan quickly came downstairs, and the car in which Mu Yue was sitting was already downstairs.

"Mom!" Seeing Mu Yue's car, Xiao Baozi cried out in excitement.

Mu Yue got off the car, saw Xiao Junyan and Xiao Baozi, smiled and waved, "Little steamed bun!"

Xiao Junyan walked in front of Mu Yue, took her into his arms first, and said in a somewhat tasteful tone, "Don't call me first?"

Mu Yue cast a blank look at Xiao Junyan, "Careful, when did you become such a small belly!"

"En En En!" Xiao Bao Zi also nodded in agreement, and rushed to Mu Yue, "Mom hug!"

Mu Yue smiled and touched the little bun's head, held him in his arms, and comforted him softly, "How are you playing today?"

"En, en, fun!" Xiao Baozi said with a bright smile on his small face, holding Mu Yue's neck braggingly, "Baby is better than uncles! Uncles can't run away with babies!"

"Really?" Mu Yue smiled in surprise.

Xiao Junyan snorted, "That's because they don't want to bully you!"

"Bad Dad!" When the little bun heard Xiao Junyan's answer, he immediately waved his little hand to hit someone.

Mu Yue chuckled lightly, and said to Xiao Junyan, "You haven't got off work so soon, right?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, "Go to my office!"

"Okay, I'm going to check to see if there is anything to hide from me!" Mu Yue blinked and said mischievously, "This is the first time I have come to you!"

Xiao Junyan put his arms around Mu Yue's shoulders, lowered his head and gave a quick kiss on her cheek, and said indulgingly, "How could I be, I can come to surprise at any time!"

The soldiers on the side of the road watched Xiao Junyan's love for Mu Yue, and they scattered dog food completely regardless of the place, and they all burst into tears.

They didn't expect Xiao Junyan to be so gentle to his wife, so...

All the soldiers watched Xiao Junyan put his beautiful wife in his arms to his office with all kinds of envious eyes.

"so beautiful!"

"This is my sister-in-law!"

"I'm not as famous as meeting, my sister-in-law is so beautiful!"

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