Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4635: Getting ready for the wedding 2

Xiao Junyan left his home and went to the military area office.

After thinking about it, he picked up the phone.

Ye Tianming, who was on a large ship abroad, suddenly bounced when he heard the ringing of the cell phone ringing next to him.

Ye Tianming looked at the phone, and his leisurely face suddenly became sad.

Reluctantly picked up the phone and put it in my ear, "Hey, boss! Why would you call me, I am traveling abroad now!"

He definitely can't let Xiao Junyan have a chance to get him revenge, otherwise, he will definitely peel off a layer of skin.

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes. How could he not know why Ye Tianming went abroad because he was worried that he would pursue the matter of Xiao Baozi running away from home.

The big reason why Xiao Baozi was so courageous was Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming would come to their house all day long when he was idle and was fine, to make up a meal or something, and then play with Xiao Baozi over there.

And Xiao Baozi actually liked Ye Tianming very much. Besides his relatives, he had the best relationship.

Ye Tianming also talked a lot about Xiao Baozi, which made Xiao Baozi bolder.

But Xiao Junyan knew that this matter had nothing to do with Ye Tianming, so he wanted to give him a severe lesson.

However, Ye Tianming's stinky boy quickly anticipated this and slipped away first.

"Well, I know!" Xiao Junyan said coldly.

Ye Tianming asked very tremblingly, "Uh, this, boss, do you have anything to do?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Xiao Junyan's mouth, "Afraid that I will seek you revenge?"

"Um! What revenge!" Ye Tianming deliberately pretended to be innocent and confused, and asked puzzledly.

"Humph!" Xiao Junyan snorted coldly and said, "Hurry back, I need you to do my wedding!"

Ye Tianming was taken aback, a look of shock and bewilderment appeared on his face, "What?"

"Give you one day! Appear in front of me at this time tomorrow!" Xiao Junyan hung up the phone after only saying this.

Ye Tianming listened to the beep sound coming from the other side of the phone, looked at his mobile phone, and then he raised his hair and laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, the boss is married!" Ye Tianming cheered excitedly.

He knew that Xiao Junyan would not punish him anymore.

Let him go back to get him to help him with the wedding.

Because of Xiao Junyan's previous character and previous resume, there were not many brothers and friends around him, and everyone else had their own jobs.

Ye Tianming was the only one who wandered outside all day, so Xiao Junyan asked him to do this.

Ye Tianming returned to the cabin and started the speedboat, "I'm back, and we are going to have a wedding for the boss and the younger sister. Now the younger sister has truly become my sister-in-law!"

In his mind, Ye Tianming recalled the incident between Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Who could have thought that Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue would really have such a day!

He doubted that his old meeting would not be alone for a lifetime.

However, he never expected that after Xiao Junyan had a woman, his speed would be so fast, the children would be there, and the little bun would be able to make soy sauce in one year.

Xiao Junyan, who was sitting in the office, had a glint in his eyes, picked up the phone again, and said to the other side of the phone, "Are you ready? Okay, bring it to me!"

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