Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4638: Medicinal wine spirit tea on shelves 2

Lan Xudong and Hang Zikun came to Longteng Building. They came for medicinal wine and spiritual tea.

"I don't know, what will happen if you buy this spirit tea and medicinal liquor online!" Lan Xudong said to Mu Yunqing worriedly.

Mu Yun smiled and comforted Lan Xudong and the others, "Don't worry, I have already drunk the medicinal wine, and the taste is okay. Although it is not as good as the medicinal restaurant, it can be acceptable to them, and the price is fair They will buy the cheap ones!"

"Yeah!" Lan Xudong nodded.

Hang Zikun said with some worry, "But, my spirit tea is only this little. Will this price be too much? Will anyone buy it at such a high price?"

"Hehe, don't worry, someone will buy it!" Mo Lieye said with a smile, "You don't know that this spirit tea has been sold abroad by underground forces. The sales price of spirit tea can be said to be an increase. For these fifty grams, foreign countries have to buy tens of millions, but domestic ones only need to buy 100,000, which is already very cheap!"

After Mu Yue's rise in international status, spiritual tea and medicinal wine were also known to the rich.

When they came to China, came to work, visited their friends, they would go to Mu Yue's medicinal restaurant.

Ling Hong naturally took care of these people, not only giving them medicinal wine, but also spiritual tea, which caused them to become addicted to medicinal wine and spiritual tea.

They wanted to buy, but they learned that these medicinal wines and spirit teas were limited and not sold externally. This resulted in some people getting spiritual teas and medicinal wines, which were spread to underground forces abroad. If they wanted to buy them, they could only spend money. Great price.

"Is that so?" Hang Zikun listened, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I am really worried that such a high price will not sell it!"

"Hehe, don't worry, it will definitely be sold. In fact, many people have come to me and ask me why I don't add more!" Mo Lieye smiled and said to Lan Xudong and the others.

Mu Yun listened softly, and also laughed, "Hahaha...I can only hook one more of their gluttons!"

"Anyway, just waiting for the first batch of sales!" Lan Xudong said with a smile, "I'm just waiting to be famous!"

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Mu Yun patted Lan Xudong on the shoulder and said.

Lan Xudong and Hang Zikun both nodded in agreement, "Hmm!"

"Okay, don't worry about it!" Mo Lieye waved his hand to them, "You should be like Mu Dong, don't worry so much, and accompany your son to the amusement park!"

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but laugh.

"Today's Children's Day! I forgot all about it!" Mu Yun listened softly, laughed haha, and said.

Mo Lieye smiled and said jokingly, "That is, you are not a child, and you don't have a son at home, why would you think of it?"

Mu Yunqing touched her nose awkwardly, and said, "I am focusing on career now, haha, focusing on career!"

"Hahaha..." When everyone listened, they all laughed.

At this time, Mu Yue, who was being discussed by everyone, was now accompanying Xiao Baozi in the amusement park.

The games in this amusement park are naturally non-exciting games, which has already made Xiao Baozi very happy.

Little Bun looked at the merry-go-round, excitedly grabbed Mu Yue's hand and jumped on her feet, "Mom, mom, want to play!"

"Ha ha ha, okay, mom will accompany you to ride!" Mu Yue smiled and took the little bun to sit on the merry-go-round.


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