Both Lan Xudong and Hang Zikun stayed in the Longteng Building until 12 o'clock.

Looking at the sales and speed of the backstage sales, they excitedly high-five each other.

"Hahaha, they are all sold out!" Lan Xudong said with an excited smile.

Hang Zikun sighed and said excitedly, "Yeah, they are all sold out. I didn't expect it to be so fast. It was sold out in less than a minute. The speed is too fast!"

They were still worried about whether they would be able to sell these in one day today.

But the result was unexpected. They were all sold out in less than a minute, which was beyond their expectations.

They are ignoring the shopping desires of the rich.

Those rich people can also rush for those foreign red wines, not to mention these medicinal wines and spiritual teas from Mu Yue?

Red wine is at best to satisfy one's appetite, and Mu Yue's medicinal wine and spiritual tea can not only satisfy appetite, but also are extremely good for the body. How can they be so rushed?

Even if the effect is not as good as the medicinal restaurant, they are willing to buy it.

Moreover, this is the first batch, and it will definitely get better and better in the future.

"So, don't worry!" Mu Yun said with a light smile and patted Lan Xudong on the shoulders.

Lan Xudong and Hang Zikun smiled and nodded, and said, "It seems that we are too worried!"

"Yeah, we are really worried. We can go back and have a good night's sleep today, and sales should be booming in the future! I have to prepare the second batch!" Lan Xudong said with a smile and expectantly.

Compared with Lingcha, if the medicinal wine wants to sell the second batch, it will be able to sell soon.

"Hehe, no hurry, no hurry, what are you doing in such a hurry? Let's celebrate first!" Mu Yun said to Lan Xudong and the others with a light smile.

Mo Lieye nodded and said, "Yeah, the second batch is not in a hurry. Let's celebrate first. This is 20 million, and it is 20 million at once. Haha, you have to celebrate!"

"Yes, you have to celebrate!" Hang Zikun nodded in agreement, "You must not get drunk or go home."

Lan Xudong also smiled and said, "Well, celebration is a must, and the second batch can be arranged by returning tomorrow!"

"That's right, walk around, let's have a good meal! Eat food stalls, it's cool!" Mu Yunqing said excitedly.

Mo Lieye and they all left Longteng Mansion excitedly to celebrate.

And this news also reached the ears of those media reporters.

These reporters have also been paying attention to the situation of Longteng Group's, especially the medicinal wine and spirit tea that are about to be sold.

I don't know how much sales he will have, and he is always paying attention. Some people are still working overtime directly in the company, just watching it in front of this computer!

Seeing this result, they were all shocked. They didn't expect to have such shocking news.

Shocked and shocked, they still wrote the news they knew into an article, published it in the morning paper, and told everyone the news.

That morning, the news that the medicinal wine and spirit tea were sold out instantly spread like a tornado.

The news report once again reported this big event on

The sales of medicinal wine and spiritual tea once again caused a sensation among everyone, but the high-priced things sold out so quickly, and various mentalities were produced.

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