Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 4650: Face slap, become an idol 2

Sure enough, the news from the newspapers spread out and shocked everyone at once.

"Damn, is this true?"

"Oh my God! Am I right? There is no hallucination in my eyes, right?"

"Mu Yue's medicinal winery and Lingcha garden weren't making money on their own. They were used to build a Chinese medicine school and an affiliated hospital of Chinese medicine school!"

"It turns out that the money is not Mu Yue's own. She actually wants to set up a charity fund!"

"Damn it, is this news true or false?"

"Is this fake? How could Mu Yue do such a thing? How could he not keep so much money for himself!"

When everyone saw the above content, they subconsciously felt that their eyes had hallucinations. This is not true. This thing is really incredible.

As a result, everyone was discussing this matter and was shocked by it.

Everyone was eating the gears, and people who didn't know each other started discussing it.

"I see, this thing should be true. If you want to investigate, isn't it very simple!"

"Yes, this Chinese medical school will be able to know the news in at least half a year, and in two years there should be almost news to admit students!"

"Since what Mu Yue said, there should be nothing wrong!"

"Well, that's correct. After all, this is recorded by a reporter. If Mu Yue said something that is not true, isn't she hitting her in the face?"

"Does Mu Yue really want to use the money he earned to open a Chinese medicine university and build a Chinese medicine hospital?"

"What a big hand, it's more real than those rich people who donate money!"

"That's right, and Mu Yue also said that after the completion of the university and the hospital, 90% of the money earned by the medicinal wine factory and the spiritual tea plantation will be transferred to the established charity fund, and all the sources and uses of the charity fund will be announced. !"

"This is for everyone to monitor! So many people, so many eyes watching, absolutely open and fair!"

"Admire, I really have to admire it!"

"I really didn't expect that Mu Yue would have such a great spirit!"

Everyone talked more about admiring what Mu Yue had done, and even more admiring them constantly. They only felt that Mu Yue's courage and ability were beyond their reach.

After all, who can truly do such public things like Mu Yue.

Even if they are ordinary people, they have no other words to slander Mu Yue, and then to slander, aren't they just slapping themselves in the face?

Moreover, if the poor people are allowed to hear it, it is estimated that they will have to chase them with a stick.

They have no money to treat illnesses. If they can really get funding from Mu Yue's charity fund, they can reduce a lot of medical expenses!

Of course, there is still sourness in these words.

"With so much money, being rich is not so ostentatious!"

"I really know how to be a good person. I can make money from the rich to help the poor. It really earned myself a lot of word of mouth!"

"This Mu Yue's scheming is really deep! This way, I really can't let others talk about her anymore!"

"Taking other people's things to be a good person, you really know how to be a man! A little woman is really kind!"

"Treacherous, utter profiteer!"

"Mu Yue, Mu Yue, he is really cunning, knowing that he will be hot with the money, so I donated the money, hehe, he has such a deep strategy at such a young age, I really can't underestimate it!"


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